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Skinpaint Settings (Effects)

MADPSI edited this page Nov 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

This component is used to clear and configure the skinpaint on a skinned body, like creatures or plants. This component must be used before applying a skinpaint distribute component; otherwise, the particles will be applied on top of the existing skinpaint.

So when we are talking about clearing, you can think of it as doing a reset on the creature skin. You must clear three things:

  • The diffuse color, with the -diffuse option. You can choose between the base/coat/detail color, or you can also specify a color of your own.
  • The specularity, using the -spec or -specBump options.
  • The bumpiness, using the -bump or -specBump options.

There are some additional options such as -phong or -gloss (Spore uses Blinn-Phong shading?); their usage is unknown but those are widely used concepts in shading, it probably works the same way.

The SPSkinPaintSettings component is inline, meaning that is is written directly in the effect that uses it. For example:

effect MyEffect
	SPSkinPaintSettings -diffuse color2 -specBump 0.3 45.0 1.0 -gloss 0.3

Keyword: SPSkinPaintSettings or SPSkinPaintClear


-diffuse <enum|colorRGB> or -rgb <enum|colorRGB>

Defines what channel is used as the diffuse color. It can be one of the following colors:

  • color1: Creation base color.
  • color2: Creation coat color.
  • color3: Creation detail color.

You can also specify a colorRGB value instead.

-spec <float>

Value in the range [0.0, 1.0], controls the specularity of the skinpaint. 0.0 means no specular highlight.

-bump <float>

Value in the range [0.0, 1.0], controls the bumpiness of the skinpaint. 0.0 means no bumpiness.

-exponent <float>

Value in the range [0.0, 60.0], controls the specular exponent of the skinpaint.

-specBump <float: specular> <float: exponent> <float: bump>

Combines the -spec, -exponent and -bump options.

-gloss <float>

-phong <float>

-partBumpScale <float>

-partSpecScale <float>

-hair <float> <float> <float> <float> <float> <float> <float> <float> <int>

The second value is an angle, in degrees.

-hairTexture <resourceID>

-hairPrintGeom <resourceID>

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