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Emd4600 edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 2 revisions

The shake component.


length lifeTime -fade fadeTime

Used to define the life time of the shake effect.

  • lifeTime: a float number.
  • fadeTime: a float number.

amplitude values...

This field is animatable, so multiple values can be specified to change the amplitude over the lifetime of the effect.

  • values: one or more float numbers, separated by spaces.

frequency values...

This field is animatable, so multiple values can be specified to change the frequency over the lifetime of the effect.

  • value: one or more float numbers, separated by spaces.

shakeAspect value

The aspect ratio. 1.0 (default) respects the current ratio; other values are used to amplify the height of the shake.

  • value: a float number.

table value
  • value: a value of the following enumeration:
    • random
    • sineY

falloff value
  • value: a float number.

flags value

Some flags that define certain properties (each bit is a different value), its usage is unknown.

  • value: an integer number.


shake shake-0
	length 0.25 -fade 0.25
	amplitude 3
	frequency 16
	table random
	falloff 0
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