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lotsaram edited this page Apr 24, 2020 · 3 revisions


This process will create a static subset in a Hierarchy of target Dimension.

This process uses a number of parameters to determine what to include in the subset:

  • pConsol: If specified, only elements that are descendants of the consol will be included in the subset. If blank, then this filter will be ignored.
  • pAttr: If specified, only elements that have a value equivalent to pAttrValue will be included in the subset. If blank, this filter will be ignored.
  • pLevelFrom: Only elements with a level greater than or equal to pLevelFrom will be included in the subset.
  • pLevelTo: Only elements with a level less than or equal to pLevelFrom will be included in the subset.
  • pExclusions: If pExclusions is specified then the elements (separated by a delimiter) will be excluded from the subset. Wildcards characters * and ? are accepted.
  • pAddToSubset : If the specified subset already exists then this parameter will control whether elements will be added to the existing subset (value 1) or a new subset will be created (value 0).

Process Parameters

Parameter Data Type Default Prompt Text
pLogOutput Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: Write parameters and action summary to server message log (Boolean True = 1)
pDim String REQUIRED: Dimension name
pHier String OPTIONAL: Hierarchy name (default if blank = same named hierarchy)
pSub String REQUIRED: Subset name
pConsol String * OPTIONAL: Elements within Consolidated Element (Blank or * Equals All)
pAttr String OPTIONAL: Attribute (Blank Equals All)
pAttrValue String OPTIONAL: Attribute Value
pLevelFrom Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: From Element Level
pLevelTo Numeric 999 OPTIONAL: To Element Level
pExclusions String OPTIONAL: Elements to Exclude From Subset (Separated by Delimiter, Accepts Wild card)
pDelim String & OPTIONAL: Delimiter character
pAddToSubset Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: Add to Subset if it Already Exists (0=No 1=Yes)
pAlias String OPTIONAL: Set Alias for Subset
pTemp Numeric 1 OPTIONAL: Use temporary objects? (Boolean 1=True)

Full Process Dependencies

Process ExecuteProcess RunProcess
}bedrock.hier.sub.exclude Y N
}bedrock.hier.sub.create.bymdx Y N

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