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lotsaram edited this page Apr 24, 2020 · 3 revisions


This process deletes a view and all subsets of the same name.

Use Case:

  1. In production environment used in Epilog to remove view & subsets used for processing.
  2. In development/prototyping to manually clean up views & subsets.


  • Lists and wildcards are not supported in this process
  • A valid cube name pCube is mandatory otherwise the process will abort.
  • A valid view name pView is mandatory otherwise the process will abort.
  • The matching assumption is based on name. Subsets of the same name as the view will be deleted (whether they were assigned to the view or not).
  • pMode 0 = Delete views and indirectly delete subsets via bedrock process call. If a subset cannot be deleted the process will continue and exit with minor error status.
  • pMode 1 = Delete views and directly delete subsets via SubsetDestroy function. If a subset cannot be deleted the process will abort with major error status.
  • pMode 2 = Delete views only and leave subsets as is.

Process Parameters

Parameter Data Type Default Prompt Text
pLogOutput Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: Write parameters and action summary to server message log (Boolean True = 1)
pCube String REQUIRED: Cube Name
pView String REQUIRED: View Name
pSub String OPTIONAL: Subset Name (will default to pView if left blank)
pMode Numeric 1 REQUIRED: Delete temporary view and Subset (0 = Delete View and Subsets indirectly 1 = Delete View and Subsets directly 2 = Delete View only )

Full Process Dependencies

Process ExecuteProcess RunProcess
}bedrock.hier.sub.delete Y N

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