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lotsaram edited this page Apr 24, 2020 · 3 revisions


This process will delete all consolidated elements with no children in the target Hierarchy.

Use Case:

  • Service process to clean-up consolidations after dimension changes.

Valid target dimension (pDim) must be supplied otherwise the process will terminate.

⚠️Caution: Target hierarchy (pHier) cannot be Leaves.

Process Parameters

Parameter Data Type Default Prompt Text
pLogOutput Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: Write parameters and action summary to server message log (Boolean True = 1)
pDim String REQUIRED: Target Dimension (accepts wildcards and delimited list)
pHier String OPTIONAL: Target Hierarchy (accepts wildcards and delimited list, uses default hierarchy if left blank)
pDelim String & OPTIONAL: Delimiter character for dimension or hierarchy list (default value if blank = '&')

Full Process Dependencies

Process doesn't call any dependencies.

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