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Updated Documentation for OMNY Needs

Derek Edwards edited this page Jul 16, 2019 · 13 revisions

This document describes the addition features required for the OMNY trip planning application. These features are currently available on the demo site. Once these features have been thoroughly tested, they will be released to production and this documentation will be moved into the full production documentation found here:

Updated Fares Data

Multiple Fare Types

The MTA can have multiple fares for different users, e.g., users eligible for reduced fare or users that have a monthly pass will not pay full fare for a trip. In order to show these different fares in the OMNY app, OTP needs to return multiple fares types for each trip.

The current demo server shows fares in the following format.

                <symbol>**CURRENCY SYMBOL (e.g., $)**</symbol>
                <currency>**STRING (e.g., USD)**</currency>
                <defaultFractionDigits>**Number of Decimals Points for Rounding**</defaultFractionDigits>
                <currencyCode>**CURRENCY CODE (e.g., USD)**</currencyCode>
            <cents>**COST IN CENTS**</cents>
        <**FARETYPE2**> ETC.
        <**FARETYPE3**> ETC. 



Fares within Legs &apikey=z6odKJINMNQww8M1zWfFoTMCUPcfbKnt


OMNY-enabled Stops

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