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Frank Purcell edited this page Jul 19, 2011 · 12 revisions

Stand-alone Releases

There is a stand-alone release of OTP, including example config files (set to downtown Portland, Oregon ... but with a few edits to graph-builder.xml, things can point anywhere), available here:

Easiest way to build a graph and get the web ui up and running is the following:

  1. cd c:\ (root directory -- or cd / for our unix friends)

  2. download (large 90M file)

    extract to c:/

    -- ALTERNATIVELY, for those with a Tortise SVN or some other Subversion code repository client --

    svn co otp

  3. cd c:\otp

  4. bin\build-graph.bat (will take about 7 minutes, especially to download OSM data)

  5. bin\start-server.bat

  6. open http://localhost:8080/opentripplanner-webapp/index.html?fromPlace=45.525232023431,-122.67736035431&toPlace=45.508359727335,-122.64882966437&time=1:00%20pm&submit


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