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Nicholas Bergson-Shilcock edited this page Jul 19, 2011 · 34 revisions


Note: OpenTripPlanner is still very early in its development and is not yet ready for general use. These instructions are geared towards developers who want to check out the project.

Picking Your Development Environment

The OpenTripPlanner project uses Apache Maven to manage the project build environment. When it comes to working with the project and the code, you have a choice:

  • Most OTP developers use Eclipse for project development and we recommend you do the same. For setup instructions, see GettingStartedEclipse.

  • It's also possible to work with the project entirely from the Maven command line. For more details, see GettingStartedMaven.

1. Project dependencies

OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is written in Java (version 1.6) and uses Maven for its build process and Subversion for version control. Before going forward, you should make sure you have both of these packages installed and working correctly. Instructions for installing Maven are available on its download page and for Subversion in the excellent Subversion Book.

2. Getting the code and building

Check out the OTP source and change into the base directory:

svn co opentripplanner

cd opentripplanner

Run the tests to make sure everything builds correctly and all the tests pass:

mvn test

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