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Releases: WBHarry/pf2e-bestiary-tracking


18 Aug 20:30
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🤖 A chunky, big ol' release. Lots of features and bugfixes on the menu. 🤖


  • Lots of styling! There might be support for UI modules eventually, but for now I've added one theming that activates if Foundry is in Light Mode, and another for when it is in Dark Mode. As a part of this, the green and red colouring to indicate revealed/hidden information has been removed. There are now instead dotted borders around the pieces of information to signify it.
    (Dark Mode)

  • Creatures will now be put into the 'Unknown' category if they have no Creature Types revealed in their trait list.
    (Light Mode)

  • Added Refresh functionality. Dragging a creature into the bestiary that is already there will update all it's statistics while keeping which information is revealed (only exception is Immunity/Weakness/Resistance which does default back to being unrevealed). There is also a Refresh Bestiary function accessible from the Bestiary's three-dot menu to refresh all entries.

  • Added the DoubleClickOpen client setting. Enables players/GM to simply doubleclick a creature token to go to their page in the Bestiary. GMs hold alt and do the same. This setting requires the LibWrapper module enabled to do its thing.

  • Added an initial alphabetic filter for the monster category view that can be toggled between ascending/descending.

Bug Fixes

  • Macros are back in and won't go away anymore as I've automated the release handling for them. Oh and I added a macro: Add Creature for gms.
  • I added a factory reset on the Bestiary Labels and Vague Descriptions module menu settings. Somehow the migration just wouldn't work on them. They are too strong. This should get rid of issues in opening the Bestiary.
  • A bunch of small things that got lost in the sauce.

17 Aug 13:19
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Nothing to see here. The compiled styling didn't get added for the last release. 🙈

17 Aug 13:08
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A subversion. Ooh, shiny. 🤖


  • Added a module setting to include a creature's level as a field the GM can toggle to display.

  • Added a layout select so users can decide the size of monster cards in a category.

  • General improvements to style and layout so especially long texts, such as a lot of traits on an attack, will not go outside of the view.


17 Aug 00:43
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New Features! 🤖


  • A Spells tab has been added in the creature view, allowing spellcasting and spells to be revealed to players.

  • Added a Bestiary Labels menu in the module settings. Currently the Vague Description categories can be altered here.
    EX: Change from Extreme|High|Moderate|Low|Terrible` to something else.

  • Added an additional option for the CombatAutomation module setting, On Creature Defeated. This will add creatures that get marked as defeated in combat to the Bestiary.


  • Left clicking the creature portrait would always popout the token image. Now it will show the image actually displayed in the creature view.


15 Aug 20:05
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Big release. Big Features. 🥳


  • Missinformation is in! All creature statistics can have fake information shown instead of the truth by rightclicking. List statistics can have fake information added, such as fake weaknesses or wholesale fake abilities.

  • New Vague Information module settings option for missinformation. Toggling on Vague Missinformation Categories will present you with a dropdown when faking information about something. IE: rightclick reflex save and select 'Low'. Without the setting you can write anything.

  • The creature view now has a Lore tab. Here the public and private information from a creature's Notes section can have its visiblity toggled by the GM.

  • Module Setting to use token art instead of the avatar.

  • Image Popout is added. Leftclicking the creature image gives you the same popout like the character sheet.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected text enrichment. Secret blocks and other neat features should now work properly in actions, passives and the new notes tab.
  • Bunch of fixes/improvements to layout and styling. Scrollbars people. Scrollbars.
  • Base Descriptions On Player Level vague description setting wasn't being used for saving throws, not it is.
  • Creature present in more than one category in the Bestiary could become unable to toggle information.
  • Monster search was behaving badly. Bad monster search, bad.
  • The Bestiary could be opened multiple times. No more.
  • A bunch of other things I didn't specifically keep track off.


14 Aug 12:31
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Just two quick bugfixes that were annoying. 🤖

  • There are now error messages and proper handling of when something unintended is dragged into the Bestiary.
  • The Combat Registration Module Setting will now not try to add things that can't be added to the Bestiary. Ain't that clever!


14 Aug 10:53
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New features, new bugfixes. 🤖


  • First bit of misinformation added. Monster names can now set misinformation to handle misidentification.
  • Speed and Attribute Modifiers can now show vague information
  • If a monster doesn't have Attacks/Abilities/Passives, that category will now have 'None' as a GM toggle in the same weaknesses and resistances do, so it's not an eternal question mark shown for players when they know that don't have anything.
  • Added an actual macro compendium. Includes Open Bestiary and View Monster.


  • Weaknesses and Resistances that have exceptions or that are custom should now be displayed properly.
  • The Base Descriptions On Player Level module setting no longer prevents the Bestiary from being opened if a player lacks a character.
  • Probably some other things.


13 Aug 20:19
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Nothing to see here. I totally didn't introduce a critical bug by misstakenly removing a function parameter. 😇


13 Aug 19:27
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A bunch of initial fixes and some new features 🤖


  • Added a search field within creature categories to filter out what creatures are shown incase there's a lot of them.
  • A creature's name is now hidden by default and be revealed by the GM. If it's not revealed it's shown as "Unknown Creature".
  • Properly added english localization.


  • There was a bug caused by poor function naming on my part that caused some issues, like being unable to open up spellsheets anymore 😱.
  • Foundry's Dark Mode styling was causing the bookmarks of the Bestiary to disappear. This fix should make Dorako and Pathfinder UI functional aswell. Actually making the colour scheme better for them will be a later matter though.
  • Creatures that are in multiple categories weren't having their data link. Should be fixed!

..and a bunch of other things I can't recall fixing up!
Thanks for all the positivty I've gotten with this module so far 😄


13 Aug 13:55
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Added Base Descriptions On Player Level to Module Settings in regards to Vague Descriptions.
This will make vague descriptions show High/Medium/Low and likewise in regards to the players level rather than the monsters.

A standard pathfinder troll would normally base some vague descriptions on the expected pathfinder level statistics, and show:
AC: Moderate
HP: High

With the settings activated, it would depend on the player level instead.
Player Level 3
AC: High
HP: High

Player Level 7
AC: Low
HP: Moderate

Player Level 9
AC: Low
HP: Low

This setting may become the standard going forward, or possibly a toggle in the bestiary itself. I feel it might otherwise be missleading if a level 20 character looks at a CR 5 Troll and sees that it has a High AC. 😁