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Moksh Mehta edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 2 revisions

NextLevelScreen Class

The NextLevelScreen class represents the screen displayed when the player completes a level in a LibGDX-based game. It provides options for the player to proceed to the next level or return to the main menu. This class manages the user interface (UI), handles player preferences, and offers a seamless transition to the next level.

Class Overview

The NextLevelScreen class serves as the intermediate screen between game levels. It offers several key features and functionality:

  • Display of a background image that sets the visual theme.
  • UI elements, including buttons for proceeding to the next level and returning to the main menu.
  • Tracking of the player's progress, including the highest level reached.
  • Proper sizing of UI elements based on the screen dimensions.

Class Structure

The class structure is outlined as follows:


  • batch: A SpriteBatch used for rendering the screen.
  • backgroundTexture: A Texture representing the background image.
  • font: A BitmapFont used for customizing text appearance.
  • stage: A LibGDX Stage for managing UI elements and input processing.
  • currentLevel: An integer representing the player's current level.
  • preferences: A Preferences object for storing and retrieving player preferences.


The class has a single constructor that initializes the screen with assets and buttons. It accepts a reference to the game instance and the current level.

public NextLevelScreen(GdxGame game, int currentLevel)


  • render(float delta): Renders the screen visuals, including the background image and UI elements.
  • resize(int width, int height): Adjusts the size of UI elements based on screen width and height.
  • dispose(): Releases all resources associated with this screen.


To use the NextLevelScreen class, create an instance and pass a reference to the main game object along with the current level. The screen will be displayed when the player completes a level.

NextLevelScreen nextLevelScreen = new NextLevelScreen(game, currentLevel);


  • Background Image: The screen displays a background image to set the visual theme, enhancing the player's experience.

  • UI Elements: The screen includes buttons for:

    • Proceeding to the next level (conditional based on the current level).
    • Returning to the main menu.
  • Player Progress: The screen tracks the player's progress, updating the highest level reached in player preferences.

  • Customization: The font size, color, and style can be customized to suit the game's aesthetics.

Example Usage

NextLevelScreen nextLevelScreen = new NextLevelScreen(game, currentLevel);

The NextLevelScreen class provides an integral part of the game experience, allowing players to smoothly transition between levels and offering options for further gameplay or returning to the main menu. It adds depth and continuity to LibGDX-based games.

Image Source

The background image used in the NextLevelScreen class is produced by Ideogram AI. This image is selected to match the thematic design of the screen and contribute to a visually appealing gameplay experience. It is essential to observe appropriate licensing and attribution when incorporating images from external sources into a game project.

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