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Creating Web Widgets

Martin Winter edited this page Jan 12, 2024 · 9 revisions

Creating Web Widget that you can use in OpenBoard is actually pretty simple ! If you know how to create a web page, you're almost done.

More importantly, you don't need to have C++ knowledge, to build OpenBoard in order to start coding your web widget. Simply install OpenBoard, and you'll be able to start working on your site directly in it.

What is a web widget ?

A Web Widget (or application) is a website that you can use directly in the board. It is composed of a folder, ending with .wgt, in which you'll find three important files :

  • a config.xml file that gives some useful information to OpenBoard in order to display it in the Applications library
  • an icon.png that illustrates your app
  • an index.html (or another entry point, as long as it's corresponding to what is defined in the config.xml) that is the entry point of your website.

You'll find a template to gt you started quickly in OpenBoard/resources/widgets/template.wgt. You can also download it from here

Take also a look at the other applications and interactivities, to see some examples of what can be achieved.


Important note : OpenBoard is not allergic to modern libraries, so you don't have to stick to basic HTML apps. if you have an Angular, Vue, React or a WebGL app that can run in your favorite navigator, you can turn it into an OpenBoard application, by just adding it to a .wgt folder and by following the other basic rules given above !

Interacting with OpenBoard

OpenBoard comes with an API that gives you access to some parameters and features, making it possible to interact with OpenBoard. For example, you can use your widget to:

  • change the tool currently used in the application (pen, marker, line, eraser, etc)
  • change the color of the pen or the marker (this is what the ColorPicker application does)
  • intercept some OpenBoard events like the cursor is entering your widget, your widget is resized, etc

You'll find more details on this API following this page.

Where to put my Web Widget, so I can use it on OpenBoard ?

Once OpenBoard is installed, you just have to put your .wgt in the interactive content folder. Depending on the OS, it is located :

  • on Windows, in %localappdata%/OpenBoard/interactive content
  • on Linux, in ~/.local/share/OpenBoard/interactive content
  • on macOS, in ~/Library/Application Support/OpenBoard/interactive content

Note that you can organize your web widgets using sub-folders, if you want.

I want every user of my computer to have it. How can I do ?

If you have root or admin privileges on your machine, you just have to put your .wgt in OpenBoard's installation folder, under library/applications. Depending on the OS, it is located :

  • on Windows, in Program Files/OpenBoard/library/applications
  • on Linux, in opt/openboard/library/applications
  • on macOS, in

Please note that if you install a new OpenBoard version, you may loose your web widgets if they are installed directly in the OpenBoard installation folder.

How to test my Web Widget

After you placed your widget in one of the folders mentioned above, launch OpenBoard, and you should find it in the Applications folder of the OpenBoard library (the right palette when you're in Board Mode or Desktop Mode). Drag and Drop it on the Board to see it in action !

You'll also find a "Reload" action, and a "Web Inspector" to help you debug your page, by right clicking in on your widget.


Adding your Web Widget to the official OpenBoard

If you think your Web Widget is absolutely awesome (it probably is) and you want to share it with the world so everybody can benefit from it, just submit it via a pull request, and we'll be glad to look at it, to see if it can be added to the list of official apps. Some community-made web widgets have already been included, like Papier or Camera, so don't hesitate !

How can I submit it ?

  • fork and clone the repository : git clone<username>/OpenBoard.git
  • copy your widget to the resources/library/applications folder
  • commit your work
  • Create a pull request

Your turn !

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