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Martin Winter edited this page Nov 19, 2024 · 96 revisions

The latest version is 1.7.2. Details about this release can be found here.

Official packages

Official packages and installers are provided for Windows, MacOS and Debian Linux.

Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

Community packages

Other platforms

Additionally, community-driven packages are available on other platforms. OpenBoard is available for the following Linux distributions and versions (thanks to @letsfindaway):

Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

The following Linux distributions provide up-to-date packages shortly after the latest release:

Static Badge Static Badge

For these packages, you can respectively thank : @fsiegert and @Vekhir for Arch Linux, and @letsfindaway for OpenSuse.

For these ones we recommend you to install OpenBoard from the distribution repositories.

Note that there are also openboard packages in the official repositories of Ubuntu and Debian. However, the versions of those packages are lagging well behind the current status. We recommend you to install the corresponding packages available on GitHub or OpenBoard's website instead.


Another option working on almost any Linux distribution is the community Flatpak available on Flathub (thanks to @jbruechert):

Static Badge

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