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Spawn Conditions

CptArthur edited this page Jan 20, 2024 · 36 revisions

Spawn Condition Profiles are what control when a SpawnGroup is allowed to be spawned at a certain time or place.

SpawnGroups can have multiple Spawn Condition Profiles. When evaluating the profiles for spawning eligibility, only a single Spawn Condition Profile needs to be satisfied in order for the SpawnGroup to be considered eligible for spawning.

The tags in the Spawn Condition Profiles can be placed directly in the SpawnGroup tags. This is because these tags were once part of the regular SpawnGroup tags, and steps to ensure compatibility were considered.

Here is an example of how a Spawn Condition Profile is created:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Definitions xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

    <EntityComponent xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_InventoryComponentDefinition">

        [MES Spawn Conditions]





To link a profile to your SpawnGroup, simply use the SpawnConditionsProfiles tag and provide the SubtypeId of the Spawn Condition Profile you created. Eg: [SpawnConditionsProfiles:MES-SpawnProfile-CargoShipExample].

Below are several types of condition tags you can include in your Spawn Condition Profile:




Tag:                                SpaceCargoShip
Tag Format: [SpaceCargoShip:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Space Cargo Ship.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                LunarCargoShip
Tag Format: [LunarCargoShip:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Lunar Cargo Ship.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseAutoPilotInSpace
Tag Format: [UseAutoPilotInSpace:Value]
Description: If set to true, Space and Lunar Cargo Ships will instead use Auto-Pilot to fly to their Despawn Coords.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                SpaceCargoShipChance
Tag Format: [SpaceCargoShipChance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the chance (out of 100) this spawngroup has of being selected as eligible if being spawned as a Space Cargo Ship.
Allowed Values: 0 - 100
Default Value(s): 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                LunarCargoShipChance
Tag Format: [LunarCargoShipChance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the chance (out of 100) this spawngroup has of being selected as eligible if being spawned as a Lunar Cargo Ship.
Allowed Values: 0 - 100
Default Value(s): 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                SpaceRandomEncounter
Tag Format: [SpaceRandomEncounter:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Random Encounter (Space).
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RandomEncounterChance
Tag Format: [RandomEncounterChance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the chance (out of 100) this spawngroup has of being selected as eligible if being spawned as a Random Encounter.
Allowed Values: 0 - 100
Default Value(s): 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseOptimizedVoxelSpawning
Tag Format: [UseOptimizedVoxelSpawning:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if Voxels attached to the SpawnGroup should be spawned using a newer voxel spawner system that is a bit more performance friendly.
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                CustomVoxelMaterial
Tag Format: [CustomVoxelMaterial:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify one or more voxel material names that will be used for the voxel spawn (entire voxel will use this material). If multiple values are provided, then 1 will be selected randomly for each voxel.
Allowed Value(s): Any Voxel Material SubtypeId
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tags Allowed: Yes


Tag:                                AtmosphericCargoShip
Tag Format: [AtmosphericCargoShip:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Planetary Cargo Ship.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                GravityCargoShip
Tag Format: [GravityCargoShip:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Gravity Cargo Ship. These types of cargo ships will are eligible to spawn when the player is above the PlayerSurfaceAltitude altitude of a planet and is still in gravity range. This allows cargo ships to appear in the previously 'dead zone' between where the atmosphere ends and space begins. Consider using MinGravity and/or MaxGravity spawngroup tags to control what parts of gravity these ships can appear in.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AtmosphericCargoShipChance
Tag Format: [AtmosphericCargoShipChance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the chance (out of 100) this spawngroup has of being selected as eligible if being spawned as a Planetary Cargo Ship.
Allowed Values: 0 - 100
Default Value(s): 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                GravityCargoShipChance
Tag Format: [GravityCargoShipChance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the chance (out of 100) this spawngroup has of being selected as eligible if being spawned as a Gravity Cargo Ship.
Allowed Values: 0 - 100
Default Value(s): 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                SkipAirDensityCheck
Tag Format: [SkipAirDensityCheck:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should skip checks for Air Density when considering spawn eligibility on a planet. This should only be used for ships that primarily use Hydrogen Thrust or have sufficient Ion Thrust in the environment they're spawning in.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CargoShipTerrainPath
Tag Format: [CargoShipTerrainPath:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the path that is designated for the Planetary Cargo Ship should be calculated along the surface of the planet instead of in the air. This is useful for RivalAI behaviors that use hover-like flight mechanics so it can be determined if the flight path still meets other requirements such as Air Density.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CustomPathStartAltitude
Tag Format: [CustomPathStartAltitude:Value]
Description: This tag specifies a custom altitude from the terrain surface that the SpawnGroup will be spawned at instead of the path start point that is initially calculated.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater or Equal to 0
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CustomPathEndAltitude
Tag Format: [CustomPathEndAltitude:Value]
Description: This tag specifies a custom altitude from the terrain surface that the Cargo Ship SpawnGroup will attempt to reach instead of the end path point that is initially calculated.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater or Equal to 0
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                PlanetaryInstallation
Tag Format: [PlanetaryInstallation:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Planetary Installation.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetaryInstallationType
Tag Format: [PlanetaryInstallationType:Value]
Description: This tag specifies what size category a Planetary Installation SpawnGroup should spawn as.
Allowed Values: Small
Default Value(s): Small
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetaryInstallationChance
Tag Format: [PlanetaryInstallationChance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the chance (out of 100) this spawngroup has of being selected as eligible if being spawned as a Planetary Installation.
Allowed Values: 0 - 100
Default Value(s): 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                SkipTerrainCheck
Tag Format: [SkipTerrainCheck:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should skip checks related to terrain height variance. If used, this may result in stations spawning on uneven terrain.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RotateInstallations
Tag Format: [RotateInstallations:Value1,Value2,Value3,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify one or more rotations to use on an installation to give it a tilt in the ground. Each Value is replaced by the following: {X:0 Y:0 Z:0}. X affects Pitch, Y affects Yaw, Z affects Roll. Each of the X,Y,Z values accept a range between -45 to 45. Providing a value of {X:100 Y:100 Z:100} will result in a randomized rotation being used. When providing multiple values, the first value will affect the first prefab, second value affects second prefab, etc.
Allowed Values: Rotation (see above for example)
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ReverseForwardDirections
Tag Format: [ReverseForwardDirections:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify one or more of the spawned prefabs should have their 'Forward' direction reversed at spawn. When providing multiple values, the first value will affect the first prefab, second value affects second prefab, etc.
Allowed Values: true
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                InstallationTerrainValidation
Tag Format: [InstallationTerrainValidation:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should only spawn on one of a few specified terrain types as defined by the AllowedTerrainTypes tag.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                InstallationSpawnsOnDryLand
Tag Format: [InstallationSpawnsOnDryLand:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn on Dry Land if you are using the Water Mod by Jakaria
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): true
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                InstallationSpawnsUnderwater
Tag Format: [InstallationSpawnsUnderwater:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn Underwater if you are using the Water Mod by Jakaria
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                InstallationSpawnsOnWaterSurface
Tag Format: [InstallationSpawnsOnWaterSurface:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn on the Water Surface if you are using the Water Mod by Jakaria. Installations spawned on the Water Surface will not be considered static grids. You should also ensure they are able to float as per the buoyancy rules of the Water Mod.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CutVoxelsAtAirtightCells
Tag Format: [CutVoxelsAtAirtightCells:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the spawned station should have voxel material removed at any cell that is determined to be Air-Tight. Please note this is still experimental and not completely functional in some cases.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CutVoxelSize
Tag Format: [CutVoxelSize:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the size of the voxel cuts that should be used when cutting voxels with CutVoxelsAtAirtightCells.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Default Value(s): 2.7
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                BossEncounterSpace
Tag Format: [BossEncounterSpace:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Boss Encounter that only appears in Space.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                BossEncounterAtmo
Tag Format: [BossEncounterAtmo:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Boss Encounter that only appears in planetary atmosphere.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                BossEncounterAny
Tag Format: [BossEncounterAny:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Boss Encounter that can spawn in any environment.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                BossEncounterChance
Tag Format: [BossEncounterChance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the chance (out of 100) this spawngroup has of being selected as eligible if being spawned as a Boss Encounter.
Allowed Values: 0 - 100
Default Value(s): 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                BossCustomAnnounceEnable
Tag Format: [BossCustomAnnounceEnable:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a custom chat message is broadcast to players when a Boss Encounter GPS signal is created.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                BossCustomAnnounceAuthor
Tag Format: [BossCustomAnnounceAuthor:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Author name that appears with the chat message if BossCustomAnnounceEnable is set to true.
Allowed Values: Any String Value
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                BossCustomAnnounceMessage
Tag Format: [BossCustomAnnounceMessage:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the 'Message' that appears with the chat message if BossCustomAnnounceEnable is set to true.
Allowed Values: Any String Value
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                BossCustomGPSLabel
Tag Format: [BossCustomGPSLabel:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the name of the GPS signal that gets created when a Boss Encounter spawns.
Allowed Values: Any String Value
Default Value(s): Dangerous Encounter
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                BossCustomGPSColor
Tag Format: [BossCustomGPSColor:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify a custom color (in RGB) that will be used for the Boss Encounter GPS.
Allowed Value(s): Vector Coordinates Formatted As:
eg: {X:0 Y:0 Z:0}
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tags Allowed: No


Creature spawning is a little bit different than using SpawnGroups for Grid Spawning. Because we are still using a SpawnGroup to spawn the creatures, we still need to include a Prefab in the SpawnGroup, otherwise the game will throw an error.

Below is an example SpawnGroup you can use for spawning creatures:


        [Modular Encounters SpawnGroup]


        <Prefab SubtypeId="MES-CreaturePrefabDummy">

Below are the SpawnGroup tags are specific to Creature Spawning (you can also use many of the tags in the Common section with Creature Spawns as well):

Tag:                                CreatureSpawn
Tag Format: [CreatureSpawn:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Creature / Bot that appears on the planet surface. It's important to note that you must still include a prefab with your spawngroup (the game requires this), but it will not be used to spawn the creatures.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CreatureIds
Tag Format: [CreatureIds:Value]
Description: This tag specifies one or more Creature / Bot SubtypeIds that get used for spawning. If multiple Ids are provided, then each creature spawned will be chosen at random from the provided tags.
Allowed Values: Any Creature / Bot SubtypeId
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                BotProfiles
Tag Format: [BotProfiles:Value]
Description: This tag specifies one or more Bot Spawn Profile SubtypeIDs that can be used to spawn bots with more customized parameters (model, role, color, etc). If you provide values to this tag, then CreatureIds values will not be used. Bots spawned with this method must use AiEnabled.
Allowed Values: Bot Spawn Profile SubtypeId
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                AiEnabledReady
Tag Format: [AiEnabledReady:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the AiEnabled mod needs to be fully loaded / ready before the spawn is allowed.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AiEnabledModBots
Tag Format: [AiEnabledModBots:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the Bots/Creatures spawned in this SpawnGroup are controlled by the AiEnabled mod.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AiEnabledRole
Tag Format: [AiEnabledRole:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the behavior/role that the AiEnabled bots will spawn with.
Allowed Values: Any Eligible AiEnabled Role Id
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinCreatureCount
Tag Format: [MinCreatureCount:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the minimum amount of Creatures that are spawned if CreatureSpawn is true.
Allowed Values: Any integer 1 or higher
Value should be equal or lower than MaxCreatureCount
Default Value(s): 1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxCreatureCount
Tag Format: [MaxCreatureCount:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the maximum amount of Creatures that are spawned if CreatureSpawn is true.
Allowed Values: Any integer 1 or higher
Value should be equal or higher than MinCreatureCount
Default Value(s): 1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinCreatureDistance
Tag Format: [MinCreatureDistance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the minimum distance from the player Creatures that are spawned at if CreatureSpawn is true.
Allowed Values: Any integer 1 or higher
Value should be equal or lower than MaxCreatureDistance
Default Value(s): 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxCreatureDistance
Tag Format: [MaxCreatureDistance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the maximum distance from the player Creatures that are spawned at if CreatureSpawn is true.
Allowed Values: Any integer 1 or higher
Value should be equal or higher than MinCreatureDistance
Default Value(s): 150
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinDistFromOtherCreaturesInGroup
Tag Format: [MinDistFromOtherCreaturesInGroup:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the minimum distance each creature/bot should spawn from one another if there are multiple creatures/bots in the SpawnGroup.
Allowed Values: Any number 1 or higher
Default Value(s): 5
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CreatureChance
Tag Format: [CreatureChance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the chance (out of 100) this spawngroup has of being selected as eligible if being spawned as a Creature Spawn.
Allowed Values: 0 - 100
Default Value(s): 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                DroneEncounter
Tag Format: [DroneEncounter:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Drone Encounter. These types of encounters spawn based on the rules in the tags below. They use their own timers and distances, and all conditions are determined by other other tags used in the Spawn Conditions Profile.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinimumPlayerTime
Tag Format: [MinimumPlayerTime:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Minimum Time in Seconds it takes for this encounter to be able to spawn near a player.
Allowed Values: Any Integer Greater Than 0
Value must be less than MaximumPlayerTime
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaximumPlayerTime
Tag Format: [MaximumPlayerTime:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Maximum Time in Seconds it takes for this encounter to be able to spawn near a player.
Allowed Values: Any Integer Greater Than 0
Value must be greater than MinimumPlayerTime
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                FailedDroneSpawnResetsPlayerTime
Tag Format: [FailedDroneSpawnResetsPlayerTime:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup timer should be reset if the encounter cannot spawn for some other reason (other conditions, pathing, etc). This only happens if the timer has already reached the end.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinDroneDistance
Tag Format: [MinDroneDistance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Minimum Distance in Meters that the encounter should spawn from the player.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value must be less than MaxDroneDistance
Default Value(s): 1000
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxDroneDistance
Tag Format: [MaxDroneDistance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Maximum Distance in Meters that the encounter should spawn from the player.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value must be greater than MinDroneDistance
Default Value(s): 1000
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinDroneAltitude
Tag Format: [MinDroneAltitude:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Minimum Altitude (if on a planet) in Meters that the encounter should spawn from the player.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value must be less than MaxDroneAltitude
Default Value(s): 1000
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxDroneAltitude
Tag Format: [MaxDroneAltitude:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Maximum Altitude (if on a planet) in Meters that the encounter should spawn from the player.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value must be greater than MinDroneAltitude
Default Value(s): 1000
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                DroneInheritsSourceAltitude
Tag Format: [DroneInheritsSourceAltitude:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should inherit the player altitude when spawning (eg take player existing altitude and add the altitude from the tags). This only happens on Planets.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                StaticEncounter
Tag Format: [StaticEncounter:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should spawn as a Static Encounter. These types of encounters spawn at specific parts of the game world, and only appear once. They are useful for scenario building where you might not want an encounter to appear until after certain conditions are met
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                StaticEncounterCoords
Tag Format: [StaticEncounterCoords:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the exact coordinates in the world that a static encounter will appear at. The orientation of the encounter is determined by the StaticEncounterForward and StaticEncounterUp tags.
Allowed Values: Vector3D Format Coordinates
eg: {X:1000 Y:1000 Z:1000}
Default Value(s): {X:0 Y:0 Z:0}
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                StaticEncounterForward
Tag Format: [StaticEncounterForward:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Forward Orientation of the static encounter. It must be paired with a valid StaticEncounterUp tag that is perpendicular to this value.
Allowed Values: Vector3D Format Coordinates
eg: {X:0 Y:0 Z:1}
Default Value(s): {X:0 Y:0 Z:0}
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                StaticEncounterUp
Tag Format: [StaticEncounterUp:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Up Orientation of the static encounter. It must be paired with a valid StaticEncounterForward tag that is perpendicular to this value.
Allowed Values: Vector3D Format Coordinates
eg: {X:0 Y:0 Z:1}
Default Value(s): {X:0 Y:0 Z:0}
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                StaticEncounterUsePlanetDirectionAndAltitude
Tag Format: [StaticEncounterUsePlanetDirectionAndAltitude:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the Static Encounter should not use the StaticEncounterCoords, and instead dynamically generate coordinates from the center of a provided planet at a given direction from the core and altitude from the surface at that direction.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                StaticEncounterPlanet
Tag Format: [StaticEncounterPlanet:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the name of the Planet that the static encounter will appear on if calculating the spawning coords dynamically. This tag is only used if StaticEncounterUsePlanetDirectionAndAltitude is true
Allowed Values: Any Planet SubtypeId
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                StaticEncounterPlanetDirection
Tag Format: [StaticEncounterPlanetDirection:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Direction from the center of the planet that will be used to calculate the spawning coordinates of the Static Encounter. This tag is only used if StaticEncounterUsePlanetDirectionAndAltitude is true
Allowed Values: Vector3D Format Coordinates
eg: {X:0 Y:0 Z:1}
Default Value(s): {X:0 Y:0 Z:0}
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                StaticEncounterPlanetAltitude
Tag Format: [StaticEncounterPlanetAltitude:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Altitude from the surface that will be used to calculate the spawning coordinates of the Static Encounter. This tag is only used if StaticEncounterUsePlanetDirectionAndAltitude is true
Allowed Values: Any Number
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ForceExactPositionAndOrientation
Tag Format: [ForceExactPositionAndOrientation:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the Static Encounter should force the orientation data provided in the Spawn Conditions tags after the grid has spawned. Use this if you're having issues with an encounter not being in the correct orientations at spawn.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                RivalAiSpaceSpawn
Tag Format: [RivalAiSpaceSpawn:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a RivalAI Spawned Encounter should spawn in Space (No gravity or atmosphere). Please note this tag is only used for encounters spawned by the Spawning System in RivalAI.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RivalAiAtmosphericSpawn
Tag Format: [RivalAiAtmosphericSpawn:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a RivalAI Spawned Encounter should spawn in Atmosphere. Please note this tag is only used for encounters spawned by the Spawning System in RivalAI.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RivalAiAnySpawn
Tag Format: [RivalAiAnySpawn:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a RivalAI Spawned Encounter should spawn in any environment. Please note this tag is only used for encounters spawned by the Spawning System in RivalAI.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                ChanceCeiling
Tag Format: [ChanceCeiling:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the maximum value to use when applying a chance tag to an encounter type. Example: If this tag was set to 200 and you had a SpaceCargoShipChance tag set to 100, then that encounter would have a 50% chance of appearing.
Allowed Values: Any Integer Greater Than 0
Default Value(s): 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ForceStaticGrid
Tag Format: [ForceStaticGrid:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a SpawnGroup should be set to static when spawned.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RotateFirstCockpitToForward
Tag Format: [RotateFirstCockpitToForward:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if a grid should be spawned with its first valid cockpit facing the spawn travel path.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): true
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                SpawnRandomCargo
Tag Format: [SpawnRandomCargo:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the ship should spawn with random cargo in specified containers. This is the same system as what is used in the ContainerTypes.sbc file.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): true
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                DisableDampeners
Tag Format: [DisableDampeners:Value]
Description: This tag specifies whether or not the grid should spawn with Inertia Dampeners enabled or disabled.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ReactorsOn
Tag Format: [ReactorsOn:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the grid should spawn with Reactors on or off.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): true
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RemoveVoxelsIfGridRemoved
Tag Format: [RemoveVoxelsIfGridRemoved:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if any Voxels that are spawned with the encounter should be removed if the grid is no longer present (only works for Random Encounters and Planetary Installations).
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): true
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                UseCombatPhase
Tag Format: [UseCombatPhase:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if this encounter should only spawn during a Combat Phase. If left false, the encounter will only spawn during a Peace phase. If the combat phase system is disabled in config, the encounter will omit this check.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                IgnoreCombatPhase
Tag Format: [IgnoreCombatPhase:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the encounter should always spawn, regardless of whether the world is in Combat or Peace phase.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CombatPhaseChecksInPersistentCondition
Tag Format: [CombatPhaseChecksInPersistentCondition:Value]
Description: This tag should be set to true if you are using any of the Combat Phase tags in a Persistent SpawnConditions profile, otherwise it can be left false.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                UseSandboxCounterCosts
Tag Format: [UseSandboxCounterCosts:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the SpawnGroup should check the values of specified Sandbox Counters. If the minimum values are met, then the spawn would become eligible and those values are then subtracted from the Sandbox Counters
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): true
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                SandboxCounterCostNames
Tag Format: [SandboxCounterCostNames:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the name of the Sandbox Counter you want to check the amount of. This tag should be paired with the SandboxCounterCostAmounts tag to prevent confusion.
Allowed Values: Any Sandbox Counter Name
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                SandboxCounterCostAmounts
Tag Format: [SandboxCounterCostAmounts:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the minimum Sandbox Counter value that must be met for the spawn to be eligible. This is also the amount that will be subtracted from the counter at spawn. This tag should be paired with the SandboxCounterCostNames tag to prevent confusion.
Allowed Values: Any Integer Greater or Equal to 0
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes


Tag:                                UseDateTimeYearRange
Tag Format: [UseDateTimeYearRange:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if a range of Years should be used to determine if this encounter is allowed to spawn. Uses local/server time.
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinDateTimeYear
Tag Format: [MinDateTimeYear:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the minimum value for Years if using the UseDateTimeYearRange tag
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Value must be Less Than or Equal to MaxDateTimeYear if provided.
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxDateTimeYear
Tag Format: [MaxDateTimeYear:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the maximum value for Years if using the UseDateTimeYearRange tag
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Value must be Greater Than or Equal to MinDateTimeYear if provided.
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseDateTimeMonthRange
Tag Format: [UseDateTimeMonthRange:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if a range of Months should be used to determine if this encounter is allowed to spawn. Uses local/server time.
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinDateTimeMonth
Tag Format: [MinDateTimeMonth:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the minimum value for Months if using the UseDateTimeMonthRange tag
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Value must be Less Than or Equal to MaxDateTimeMonth if provided.
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxDateTimeMonth
Tag Format: [MaxDateTimeMonth:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the maximum value for Months if using the UseDateTimeMonthRange tag
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Value must be Greater Than or Equal to MinDateTimeMonth if provided.
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseDateTimeDayRange
Tag Format: [UseDateTimeDayRange:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if a range of Days should be used to determine if this encounter is allowed to spawn. Uses local/server time.
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinDateTimeDay
Tag Format: [MinDateTimeDay:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the minimum value for Days if using the UseDateTimeDayRange tag
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Value must be Less Than or Equal to MaxDateTimeDay if provided.
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxDateTimeDay
Tag Format: [MaxDateTimeDay:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the maximum value for Days if using the UseDateTimeDayRange tag
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Value must be Greater Than or Equal to MinDateTimeDay if provided.
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseDateTimeHourRange
Tag Format: [UseDateTimeHourRange:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if a range of Hours should be used to determine if this encounter is allowed to spawn. Uses local/server time.
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinDateTimeHour
Tag Format: [MinDateTimeHour:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the minimum value for Hours if using the UseDateTimeHourRange tag
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Value must be Less Than or Equal to MaxDateTimeHour if provided.
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxDateTimeHour
Tag Format: [MaxDateTimeHour:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the maximum value for Hours if using the UseDateTimeHourRange tag
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Value must be Greater Than or Equal to MinDateTimeHour if provided.
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseDateTimeMinuteRange
Tag Format: [UseDateTimeMinuteRange:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if a range of Minutes should be used to determine if this encounter is allowed to spawn. Uses local/server time.
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinDateTimeMinute
Tag Format: [MinDateTimeMinute:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the minimum value for Minutes if using the UseDateTimeMinuteRange tag
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Value must be Less Than or Equal to MaxDateTimeMinute if provided.
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxDateTimeMinute
Tag Format: [MaxDateTimeMinute:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the maximum value for Minutes if using the UseDateTimeMinuteRange tag
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Value must be Greater Than or Equal to MinDateTimeMinute if provided.
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No


Tag:                                UsePlayerCredits
Tag Format: [UsePlayerCredits:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if a check should be done to determine how many Space Credits (currency) one or more players in the spawn area have before allowing the spawn.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                IncludeAllPlayersInRadius
Tag Format: [IncludeAllPlayersInRadius:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if all players within an area are counted when calculating how many credits players have.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                IncludeFactionBalance
Tag Format: [IncludeFactionBalance:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if player Faction Credit Balance should also be considered when calculating how many credits players have.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlayerCreditsCheckRadius
Tag Format: [PlayerCreditsCheckRadius:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the distance from the proposed spawn location that is checked for players when calculating total credits.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Default Value(s): 15000
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinimumPlayerCredits
Tag Format: [MinimumPlayerCredits:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the minimum amount of credits that player(s) must have before the SpawnGroup is allowed to spawn.
Allowed Values: Any Number Equal or Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Lower Than MaximumPlayerCredits If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaximumPlayerCredits
Tag Format: [MaximumPlayerCredits:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the maximum amount of credits that player(s) must have before the SpawnGroup is allowed to spawn.
Allowed Values: Any Number Equal or Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Higher Than MinimumPlayerCredits If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ChargeNpcFactionForSpawn
Tag Format: [ChargeNpcFactionForSpawn:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if an encounter should only spawn if the NPC faction has enough credits, which are then depleted from the faction balance on successful spawning.
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                ChargeForSpawning
Tag Format: [ChargeForSpawning:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the amount of credits that is depleted from the NPC bank account if using the ChargeNpcFactionForSpawn tag.
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To `0'
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No


Tag:                                FactionOwner
Tag Format: [FactionOwner:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to assign a SpawnGroup to be owned by a specific NPC faction. Factions with human players cannot be assigned. To assign a faction, replace Value with the Faction Tag you want to use. Eg: SPRT, SPID, etc. You can also remove ownership all together by providing Nobody as your value. If your provided tag cannot be found (IE: there's no NPC faction with that tag), the SpawnGroup will be set to be owned by Nobody. Default value is SPRT if tag is not included.
Allowed Values: Any Valid FactionTag or Nobody
Default Value(s): SPRT
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseRandomMinerFaction
Tag Format: [UseRandomMinerFaction:Value]
Description: If set to true, the spawned prefabs in this SpawnGroup will use a random NPC faction that is designated as a Miner Faction.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseRandomBuilderFaction
Tag Format: [UseRandomBuilderFaction:Value]
Description: If set to true, the spawned prefabs in this SpawnGroup will use a random NPC faction that is designated as a Builder Faction.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseRandomTraderFaction
Tag Format: [UseRandomTraderFaction:Value]
Description: If set to true, the spawned prefabs in this SpawnGroup will use a random NPC faction that is designated as a Trader Faction.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                UseKnownPlayerLocations
Tag Format: [UseKnownPlayerLocations:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a SpawnGroup should only spawn if the area was designated as a 'Player Known Location' (by RivalAI or other mod).
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                KnownPlayerLocationMustMatchFaction
Tag Format: [KnownPlayerLocationMustMatchFaction:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a SpawnGroup should only spawn in a Known Player Location if the 'FactionOwner' tag matches the faction of the created Location.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                KnownPlayerLocationMinSpawnedEncounters
Tag Format: [KnownPlayerLocationMinSpawnedEncounters:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the Minimum number of spawns that must have occured in a Known Player Location before this SpawnGroup is allowed to spawn.
Allowed Values: Any Number Equal or Greater Than 0
Value should be lower than KnownPlayerLocationMaxSpawnedEncounters if tag is used.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                KnownPlayerLocationMaxSpawnedEncounters
Tag Format: [KnownPlayerLocationMaxSpawnedEncounters:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the Maximum number of spawns that are allowed to have occured in a Known Player Location before this SpawnGroup is allowed to spawn.
Allowed Values: Any Number Equal or Greater Than 0
Value should be higher than KnownPlayerLocationMinSpawnedEncounters if tag is used.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                PlaySoundAtSpawnTriggerPosition
Tag Format: [PlaySoundAtSpawnTriggerPosition:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a sound effect should play at the spawn location when the spawn is completed using this condition profile.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                SpawnTriggerPositionSoundId
Tag Format: [SpawnTriggerPositionSoundId:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Audio Definition SubtypeId of the sound you want to play if using PlaySoundAtSpawnTriggerPosition.
Allowed Values: Any Sound Definition SubtypeId
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                RequireAllMods
Tag Format: [RequireAllMods:Value1,Value2,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify what mods must be loaded in the game world in order for a SpawnGroup to appear. If all mods provided are loaded, the SpawnGroup can appear. Mods are identified by their Steam Workshop IDs. If tag is not included, then no mods requirements will be used by default.
Allowed Values: Any Steam Workshop ID
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RequireAnyMods
Tag Format: [RequireAnyMods:Value1,Value2,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify what mods must be loaded in the game world in order for a SpawnGroup to appear. If any of the mods provided are loaded, the SpawnGroup can appear.
Allowed Values: Any Steam Workshop ID
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ExcludeAllMods
Tag Format: [ExcludeAllMods:Value1,Value2,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify what mods cannot be loaded in the game world in order for a SpawnGroup to appear. If all mods provided are not loaded, this Spawn Group can appear.
Allowed Values: Any Steam Workshop ID
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ExcludeAnyMods
Tag Format: [ExcludeAnyMods:Value1,Value2,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify what mods cannot be loaded in the game world in order for a SpawnGroup to appear. If any of the mods provided are not loaded, this SpawnGroup can appear.
Allowed Values: Any Steam Workshop ID
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ModBlockExists
Tag Format: [ModBlockExists:Value1,Value2,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify one or more Block SubtypeIds that must be present in the game session for the SpawnGroup to be able to appear.
Allowed Values: Any Modded Block SubtypeId
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                MinAirDensity
Tag Format: [MinAirDensity:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the minimum Air Density at the spawn coordinates before it is allowed to spawn.
Allowed Values: Floating Point Value Between 0 and 1
Value must be lower than MaxAirDensity if tag is used.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxAirDensity
Tag Format: [MaxAirDensity:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the maximum Air Density at the spawn coordinates before it is allowed to spawn.
Allowed Values: Floating Point Value Between 0 and 1
Value must be higher than MinAirDensity if tag is used.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinGravity
Tag Format: [MinGravity:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the minimum Gravity at the spawn coordinates before it is allowed to spawn.
Allowed Values: Floating Point Value Between 0 and 1
Value must be lower than MaxGravity if tag is used.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxGravity
Tag Format: [MaxGravity:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the maximum Gravity at the spawn coordinates before it is allowed to spawn.
Allowed Values: Floating Point Value Between 0 and 1
Value must be higher than MinGravity if tag is used.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinSpawnFromPlanetSurface
Tag Format: [MinSpawnFromPlanetSurface:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify how far from the nearest planet's surface the player must be before this encounter can spawn. If the player is within this distance, the encounter will not appear.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value must be lower than MaxSpawnFromPlanetSurface if tag is used
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxSpawnFromPlanetSurface
Tag Format: [MaxSpawnFromPlanetSurface:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify how far from the nearest planet's surface the player must be within for this encounter can spawn. If the player is further than this distance, the encounter will not appear.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value must be higher than MinSpawnFromPlanetSurface if tag is used
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinWaterDepth
Tag Format: [MinWaterDepth:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify how deep underwater an encounter must spawn if eligible to spawn underwater. For grids that spawn on the water surface, this value is also used as the minimum water depth beneath the surface (so you don't end up with grids spawning in beached like CptArthur's boats) This is used with the Water Mod by Jakaria
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Default Value(s): 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseDayOrNightOnly
Tag Format: [UseDayOrNightOnly:Value]
Description: This tag will specify if a spawn should only appear if it is either day or night on a planet (specified in SpawnOnlyAtNight).
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                SpawnOnlyAtNight
Tag Format: [SpawnOnlyAtNight:Value]
Description: This tag will specify if a spawn should only appear at night on a planet if true, otherwise it will only appear during the day if false.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseWeatherSpawning
Tag Format: [UseWeatherSpawning:Value]
Description: This tag will specify if a spawn should only appear while the player is inside of one or more specified Weather events.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AllowedWeatherSystems
Tag Format: [AllowedWeatherSystems:Value1,Value2,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify what weather systems are valid for spawning if UseWeatherSpawning is enabled.
Allowed Values: Any Weather SubtypeId
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseTerrainTypeValidation
Tag Format: [UseTerrainTypeValidation:Value]
Description: This tag will specify if a spawn should only appear while the player is in an area that contains a certain type of terrain. Terrain is check in random spots around the player, and the most commonly found is what is considered for spawning purposes.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AllowedTerrainTypes
Tag Format: [AllowedTerrainTypes:Value1,Value2,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify what terrain types near the player are valid for spawning if UseTerrainTypeValidation is enabled.
Allowed Values: Any Voxel Material SubtypeId
Acceptable values can be found in VoxelMaterials_planetary.sbc Game File
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetBlacklist
Tag Format: [PlanetBlacklist:Value1,Value2,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify what planets the encounter is not allow to spawn on/near (for applicable encounters).
Allowed Values: Any Planet SubtypeId
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetWhitelist
Tag Format: [PlanetWhitelist:Value1,Value2,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify what planets the encounter will only spawn on/near (for applicable encounters).
Allowed Values: Any Planet SubtypeId
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetRequiresVacuum
Tag Format: [PlanetRequiresVacuum:Value]
Description: This tag will restrict the SpawnGroup to only spawn on/near planets without atmosphere.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetRequiresAtmo
Tag Format: [PlanetRequiresAtmo:Value]
Description: This tag will restrict the SpawnGroup to only spawn on/near planets with atmosphere.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetRequiresOxygen
Tag Format: [PlanetRequiresOxygen:Value]
Description: This tag will restrict the SpawnGroup to only spawn on/near planets with atmosphere and breathable oxygen.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetMinimumSize
Tag Format: [PlanetMinimumSize:Value]
Description: This tag will restrict the SpawnGroup to only spawn on/near planets larger than the provided diameter (in meters).
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Lower Than PlanetMaximumSize If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetMaximumSize
Tag Format: [PlanetMaximumSize:Value]
Description: This tag will restrict the SpawnGroup to only spawn on/near planets no larger than the provided diameter (in meters).
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Higher Than PlanetMinimumSize If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                DirectionFromPlanetCenter
Tag Format: [DirectionFromPlanetCenter:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify one or more Directional Vectors that are used as a reference point to measure the spawn coordinate angle if using the MinAngleFromPlanetCenterDirection or MaxAngleFromPlanetCenterDirection tags. This Check only fails if all direction/angle checks have failed.
Allowed Values: Direction Vector In Following Format:
{X:0 Y:0 Z:1}
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                MinAngleFromPlanetCenterDirection
Tag Format: [MinAngleFromPlanetCenterDirection:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the minimum angle from an angle provided by DirectionFromPlanetCenter that must be satisfied in order to be spawned.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Lower Than MaxAngleFromPlanetCenterDirection If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxAngleFromPlanetCenterDirection
Tag Format: [MaxAngleFromPlanetCenterDirection:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the maximum angle from an angle provided by DirectionFromPlanetCenter that must be satisfied in order to be spawned.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Higher Than MinAngleFromPlanetCenterDirection If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                UsePlayerCondition
Tag Format: [UsePlayerCondition:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: true
Multiple Tag Allowed: no
Tag:                                PlayerConditionIds
Tag Format: [PlayerConditionIds:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: Any name string excluding :, [, ]
Multiple Tag Allowed: yes
Tag:                                PlayerConditionCheckRadius
Tag Format: [PlayerConditionCheckRadius:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: Any interger equal or greater than 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: no
Tag:                                UsePlayerCountCheck
Tag Format: [UsePlayerCountCheck:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if the spawner should do a count of the active players in the area or in the game world before spawning.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlayerCountCheckRadius
Tag Format: [PlayerCountCheckRadius:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the radius from the spawn area that the spawner should check for active players. If this tag is not used, then it will count all players currently online.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinimumPlayers
Tag Format: [MinimumPlayers:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the minimum amount of players that need to be detected to allow the spawn.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Lower Than MaximumPlayers If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaximumPlayers
Tag Format: [MaximumPlayers:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the maximum amount of players that need to be detected to allow the spawn.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Higher Than MinimumPlayers If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RequiredPlayersOnline
Tag Format: [RequiredPlayersOnline:Value1]
Description: This tag allows you to specify one or more PLayer Steam User IDs that must be online in the game session for the SpawnGroup to be able to appear. If all the listed players are online, then the spawn is eligible
Allowed Values: Any Steam User Id (64 bit)
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                RequiredAnyPlayersOnline
Tag Format: [RequiredAnyPlayersOnline:Value1]
Description: This tag allows you to specify one or more PLayer Steam User IDs that must be online in the game session for the SpawnGroup to be able to appear. If any of the listed players are online, then the spawn is eligible.
Allowed Values: Any Steam User Id (64 bit)
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes


Tag:                                PrefabSpawningMode
Tag Format: [PrefabSpawningMode:Value1]
Description: This tag allows you to specify how the prefabs in the SpawnGroup will be spawned. The default value All spawns all prefabs at their specified positions offsets. The Random value will choose 1 random prefab and use that for the spawn. The SelectedIndexes value allows you to provide a list of indexes that are specifically chosen for spawning (eg: SpawnGroup has 4 prefabs, and you provide indexes 0 and 2, it will spawn the first prefab and the 3rd prefab). And finally the RandomSelectedIndexes allows you to create groups of indexes and then the spawner will cycle through each group and spawn one prefab randomly from the provided indexes in the group.
Allowed Values: All
Default Value(s): All
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AllowPrefabIndexReuse
Tag Format: [AllowPrefabIndexReuse:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if prefab indexes can be used more than once when using SelectedIndexes or RandomSelectedIndexes (eg, 0 can be used twice). This should only be used if you are also using PrefabOffsetOverrides, otherwise prefabs would spawn on top of eachother and cause clang and other violent explosions.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PrefabIndexes
Tag Format: [PrefabIndexes:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify a number of index values that are used to determine which prefabs should spawn if using the SelectedIndexes value in the PrefabSpawningMode tag.
Allowed Values: Any Number 0 or Greater
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                PrefabIndexGroupNames
Tag Format: [PrefabIndexGroupNames:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify a number of index group names that are paried with values in the PrefabIndexGroupValues tag, which are used to determine which prefabs should spawn if using the RandomSelectedIndexes value in the PrefabSpawningMode tag.
Allowed Values: Any Name
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                PrefabIndexGroupValues
Tag Format: [PrefabIndexGroupValues:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify a number of indexes that are paired with values in the PrefabIndexGroupNames tag, which are used to determine which prefabs should spawn if using the RandomSelectedIndexes value in the PrefabSpawningMode tag.
Allowed Values: Any Number 0 or Greater
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                PrefabOffsetOverrides
Tag Format: [PrefabOffsetOverrides:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify one or more sets of position offset coordinates that are used to override the position offsets of the prefabs. Example: if you are randomly spawning 3 prefabs, then you can force them into specific formations, regardless of the grids that are chosen.
Allowed Values: Vector3D Coordinates
eg: '{X:0 Y:0 Z:0}'
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                PrefabFixedCount
Tag Format: [PrefabFixedCount:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify a number of prefabs that should be randomly selected for spawn if using the RandomFixedCount value in the PrefabSpawningMode tag. It is recommended to also use the PrefabOffsetOverrides tags to ensure you don't get any prefabs overlapping positions.
Allowed Values: Any Number 1 or Greater
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes


Tag:                                UsePlayerFactionReputation
Tag Format: [UsePlayerFactionReputation:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if player reputation should be considered when spawning a SpawnGroup nearby. If any player meets the conditions you provide, the SpawnGroup will be valid for spawn.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlayerReputationCheckRadius
Tag Format: [PlayerReputationCheckRadius:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the distance from the proposed spawn location that is checked for players when checking reputation.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Default Value(s): 15000
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CheckReputationAgainstOtherNPCFaction
Tag Format: [CheckReputationAgainstOtherNPCFaction:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to provide a separate faction Tag to check reputation against instead of the faction this SpawnGroup would use.
Allowed Values: Any FactionTag
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinimumReputation
Tag Format: [MinimumReputation:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the Minimum Reputation a player must have for the SpawnGroup to be able to spawn.
Allowed Values: Any Number Between -1500 and 1500
Value Should Be Lower Than MaximumReputation If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1501
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaximumReputation
Tag Format: [MaximumReputation:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the Maximum Reputation a player must have for the SpawnGroup to be able to spawn.
Allowed Values: Any Number Between -1500 and 1500
Value Should Be Higher Than MinimumReputation If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): 1501
Multiple Tag Allowed: No


Tag:                                UniqueEncounter
Tag Format: [UniqueEncounter:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a SpawnGroup should only spawn once per world instance. After the group spawns, it would not be selected for spawning again.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AdminSpawnOnly
Tag Format: [AdminSpawnOnly:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a SpawnGroup should only be spawned when an admin triggers the spawn via chat command.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MustSpawnInPlanetaryLane
Tag Format: [MustSpawnInPlanetaryLane:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a SpawnGroup should only be spawned inside of a planetary lane (ie, in the space directly between 2 planets).
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetaryLanePlanetNameA
Tag Format: [PlanetaryLanePlanetNameA:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a SpawnGroup should only be spawned inside of a planetary lane if one of the planet names matches the value of this tag. Requires the MustSpawnInPlanetaryLane tag.
Allowed Values: Any Planet Name
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PlanetaryLanePlanetNameB
Tag Format: [PlanetaryLanePlanetNameB:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a SpawnGroup should only be spawned inside of a planetary lane if one of the planet names matches the value of this tag. Requires the MustSpawnInPlanetaryLane tag.
Allowed Values: Any Planet Name
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseRemoteControlCodeRestrictions
Tag Format: [UseRemoteControlCodeRestrictions:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a SpawnGroup should check the area for active Remote Control blocks that have registered a specific code, and then apply a Min/Max distance requirement from that block to determine eligiblility.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RemoteControlCode
Tag Format: [RemoteControlCode:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the Remote Control code that will be searched for if you've enabled the UseRemoteControlCodeRestrictions tag.
Allowed Values: Any Remote Control Code Name
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RemoteControlCodeMinDistance
Tag Format: [RemoteControlCodeMinDistance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the minimum distance from an eligible Remote Control block that this SpawnGroup is allowed to spawn at if you've enabled the UseRemoteControlCodeRestrictions tag. If tag is not provided, or a value of -1 is used, then minimum distance is not considered.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater or Equal to -1
Must be less than RemoteControlCodeMaxDistance if tag exists
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                RemoteControlCodeMaxDistance
Tag Format: [RemoteControlCodeMaxDistance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the maximum distance from an eligible Remote Control block that this SpawnGroup is allowed to spawn at if you've enabled the UseRemoteControlCodeRestrictions tag. If tag is not provided, or a value of -1 is used, then maximum distance is not considered.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater or Equal to -1
Must be greater than RemoteControlCodeMinDistance if tag exists
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No



Tag:                                UseThreatLevelCheck
Tag Format: [UseThreatLevelCheck:Value]
Description: This tag will restrict the SpawnGroup to only spawn if the threat level near a player is within specified parameters. Threat score is specified in ThreatScoreMinimum and ThreatScoreMaximum. For more information on how Threat Scoring works, Click Here.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ThreatLevelCheckRange
Tag Format: [ThreatLevelCheckRange:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the radius (in meters) near the player that will be scanned by the spawner to determine the player threat level.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Default Value(s): 5000
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ThreatIncludeOtherNpcOwners
Tag Format: [ThreatIncludeOtherNpcOwners:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if a threat scan should also include grids owned by other NPCs in the scan radius.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ThreatScoreMinimum
Tag Format: [ThreatScoreMinimum:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the minimum threat score within the player area before the spawn group is able to spawn. If the score is lower, then the spawn group will not appear.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Lower Than ThreatScoreMaximum If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ThreatScoreMaximum
Tag Format: [ThreatScoreMaximum:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the maximum threat score within the player area before the spawn group is able to spawn. If the score is higher, then the spawn group will not appear.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Higher Than ThreatScoreMinimum If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                ThreatScorePlanetaryHandicap
Tag Format: [ThreatScorePlanetaryHandicap:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify a value that is added to the Min/Max Threat values if the grid is attempting to spawn in gravity. This allows you to set increased / decreased difficulty for spawns that happen in a gravity well.
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Greater/Equal To 0
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                UsePCUCheck
Tag Format: [UsePCUCheck:Value]
Description: This tag will restrict the SpawnGroup to only spawn if the PCU total near a player is within specified parameters. PCU score is specified in PCUMinimum and PCUMaximum.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PCUCheckRadius
Tag Format: [PCUCheckRadius:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the radius (in meters) near the player that will be scanned by the spawner to determine the PCU level.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Default Value(s): 5000
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PCUMinimum
Tag Format: [PCUMinimum:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the minimum PCU score within the player area before the spawn group is able to spawn. If the score is lower, then the spawn group will not appear.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Lower Than PCUMaximum If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                PCUMaximum
Tag Format: [PCUMaximum:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the maximum PCU score within the player area before the spawn group is able to spawn. If the score is higher, then the spawn group will not appear.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value Should Be Higher Than PCUMinimum If Tag is Provided
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseDifficulty
Tag Format: [UseDifficulty:Value]
Description: This tag allows your spawngroup to check the Difficulty value in the General config when considering spawn eligibility.
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinDifficulty
Tag Format: [MinDifficulty:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the minimum difficulty required to spawn an encounter if using the UseDifficulty tag.
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Value
Value must be Less Than or Equal to MaxDifficulty if provided.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxDifficulty
Tag Format: [MaxDifficulty:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the maximum difficulty required to spawn an encounter if using the UseDifficulty tag.
Allowed Value(s): Any Integer Value
Value must be Greater Than or Equal to MinDifficulty if provided.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tags Allowed: No


Tag:                                SandboxVariables
Tag Format: [SandboxVariables:Value1,Value2,Value3,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the names of Sandbox Boolean Varibles (via IMyUtilities) that must be true in order for the group to spawn.
Allowed Values: Any Variable Name
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                FalseSandboxVariables
Tag Format: [FalseSandboxVariables:Value1,Value2,Value3,etc]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the names of Sandbox Boolean Varibles (via IMyUtilities) that must be false in order for the group to spawn. If the Sandbox variable is not defined yet, this counts as false as well.
Allowed Values: Any Variable Name
If providing multiple values, use comma with no spaces as shown in Tag Format
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AttachModStorageComponentToGrid
Tag Format: [AttachModStorageComponentToGrid:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify whether or not a custom ModStorageComponent Dictionary Key/Value should be added to your grid(s). Please ensure that the Guid you plan to use is also defined in your mod's EntityContainers.sbc file.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                StorageKey
Tag Format: [StorageKey:Value]
Description: If AttachModStorageComponentToGrid is set to true, this tag will allow you to specify the Guid that is used as the Key in your Key/Value entry.
Allowed Values: Any valid Guid String
eg F778FB78-3400-44A8-AEF4-16B5525A0B54
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                StorageValue
Tag Format: [StorageValue:Value]
Description: If AttachModStorageComponentToGrid is set to true, this tag will allow you to specify the String that is used as the Value in your Key/Value entry.
Allowed Values: Any String Value
Default Value(s): none
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CustomApiConditions
Tag Format: [CustomApiConditions:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the name of a custom method that is executed when this encounter tries to spawn. The custom method is defined in the MES API. Click here to learn more about the API and how to register your custom method.
Allowed Value(s): Any Registered Custom Method Name
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tags Allowed: Yes


Tag:                                MinSpawnFromWorldCenter
Tag Format: [MinSpawnFromWorldCenter:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify how far from the world center (0,0,0) the player must be before this encounter can spawn. If the player is within this distance, the encounter will not appear.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value must be lower than MaxSpawnFromWorldCenter if tag is used
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxSpawnFromWorldCenter
Tag Format: [MaxSpawnFromWorldCenter:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify how far from the world center (0,0,0) the player must be within for this encounter can spawn. If the player is further than this distance, the encounter will not appear.
Allowed Values: Any Number Greater Than 0
Value must be higher than MinSpawnFromWorldCenter if tag is used
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                CustomWorldCenter
Tag Format: [CustomWorldCenter:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to define a custom set of coordinates that are used as a reference point instead of 0,0,0 if you are using the MinSpawnFromWorldCenter or MaxSpawnFromWorldCenter tags.
Allowed Value(s): Vector Coordinates Formatted As:
{X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0}
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                DirectionFromWorldCenter
Tag Format: [DirectionFromWorldCenter:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to define a direction vector that is checked against while using MinSpawnFromWorldCenter and/or MaxSpawnFromWorldCenter. The direction is checked against tags MinAngleFromDirection and/or MinAngleFromDirection while checking the players angle from World Center.
Allowed Value(s): Vector Coordinates Formatted As:
{X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0}
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinAngleFromDirection
Tag Format: [MinAngleFromDirection:Value]
Description: This tag defines the minimum angle allowed from the direction specified in DirectionFromWorldCenter while using MinSpawnFromWorldCenter and/or MaxSpawnFromWorldCenter. The direction is checked against tags MinAngleFromDirection and/or MinAngleFromDirection while checking the players angle from World Center.
Allowed Value(s): Any Number Value'
Value must be Less Than MaxAngleFromDirection if provided.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxAngleFromDirection
Tag Format: [MaxAngleFromDirection:Value]
Description: This tag defines the maximum angle allowed from the direction specified in DirectionFromWorldCenter while using MinSpawnFromWorldCenter and/or MaxSpawnFromWorldCenter. The direction is checked against tags MinAngleFromDirection and/or MinAngleFromDirection while checking the players angle from World Center.
Allowed Value(s): Any Number Value'
Value must be Greater Than MinAngleFromDirection if provided.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                SkipVoxelSpawnChecks
Tag Format: [SkipVoxelSpawnChecks:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to skip the voxel collision checks that are done before the encounter is spawned.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                SkipGridSpawnChecks
Tag Format: [SkipGridSpawnChecks:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to skip the grid collision checks that are done before the encounter is spawned.
Allowed Values: true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseSignalRequirement
Tag Format: [UseSignalRequirement:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify if your encounter should only spawn if there is a valid Antenna and/or Beacon signal active in the area where the spawn takes place.
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MinSignalRadius
Tag Format: [MinSignalRadius:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the minimum broadcast strength of the Antenna/Beacon that must be met for UseSignalRequirement to be satisfied. If this tag is not provided, then no minimum will be used.
Allowed Value(s): Any Number Value'
Value must be Less Than or Equal to MaxSignalRadius if provided.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxSignalRadius
Tag Format: [MaxSignalRadius:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify the maximum broadcast strength of the Antenna/Beacon that must be met for UseSignalRequirement to be satisfied. If this tag is not provided, then no maximum will be used.
Allowed Value(s): Any Number Value'
Value must be Greater Than or Equal to MinSignalRadius if provided.
Default Value(s): -1
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                AllowNpcSignals
Tag Format: [AllowNpcSignals:Value]
Description: This tag allows NPC Antenna/Beacon signals to be considered while using the UseSignalRequirement tag
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No
Tag:                                UseOnlySelfOwnedSignals
Tag Format: [UseOnlySelfOwnedSignals:Value]
Description: This tag restricts Antenna/Beacon signals to only be valid if they're owned by the same NPC while using the UseSignalRequirement tag.
Allowed Value(s): true
Default Value(s): false
Multiple Tags Allowed: No


Tag:                                ZoneConditions
Tag Format: [ZoneConditions:Value]
Description: This tag allows you to specify one or more Zone Conditions profile that will be used to validate spawning within zones.
Allowed Value(s): Any Zone Condition Profile SubtypeId
Default Value(s): N/A
Multiple Tags Allowed: Yes
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