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Lucas Massey edited this page May 27, 2022 · 6 revisions

Loot Profiles in the Modular Encounter Systems mod allow you to define rules for how Blocks Containing Inventory on your NPC Grids are assigned a Container Type definition. Container Type definitions are used to randomly fill inventories with items. Loot profiles are attached to Manipulation profiles.

Here is an example of how a Loot Profile is setup:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Definitions xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

    <EntityComponent xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_InventoryComponentDefinition">

      [MES Loot]
      [AppendedName: (Loot)]


These profiles attach to Manipulation Profiles using the [LootProfiles:YourLootProfileIdHere] tag.

It's worth noting that these profiles will only target Cargo blocks that do not have a ContainerType already defined, so if you've already defined them manually, then those blocks will be unchanged.

Below you can find all the tags that can be used in your Loot Profile:

Tag:                                ContainerBlockTypes
Tag Format: [ContainerBlockTypes:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the types of Blocks that should be targeted by the Loot Profile. These can be any block that contains an inventory.
Allowed Values: Any block MyDefinitionId
eg: MyObjectBuilder_CargoContainer/LargeBlockSmallContainer
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                ContainerTypes
Tag Format: [ContainerTypes:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the name(s) of the ContainerType definitions that you want to apply to your cargo containers. If you provide multiple values, then each time a ContainerType is assigned, it will do so by picking 1 at random from the list you have provided.
Allowed Values: Any ContainerType SubtypeId
Multiple Tag Allowed: Yes
Tag:                                MinBlocks
Tag Format: [MinBlocks:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the minimum number of Cargo Blocks that will be targeted by the Loot Profile.
Allowed Values: Any Integer Greater Or Equal To 0
Value must be less than MaxBlocks
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MaxBlocks
Tag Format: [MaxBlocks:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the maximum number of Cargo Blocks that will be targeted by the Loot Profile.
Allowed Values: Any Integer Greater Or Equal To 0
Value must be greater than MinBlocks
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AddDatapads
Tag Format: [AddDatapads:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the Loot Profile should add Datapads to the inventory using text from a provided TextTemplate file.
Allowed Values: true
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                DatapadFileSource
Tag Format: [DatapadFileSource:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the name of the TextTemplate file that you want to use to populate the datapad(s).
Allowed Values: Any TextTemplate File Name
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                DatapadIndex
Tag Format: [DatapadIndex:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the index of the datapad entry in the TextTemplate you want to use. If this tag is not provided, then a random entry will be selected for each datapad
Allowed Values: Any Integer Greater Or Equal To 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                DatapadCount
Tag Format: [DatapadCount:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the number of datapad that will be created for this inventory
Allowed Values: Any Integer Greater Or Equal To 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AppendNameToBlock
Tag Format: [AppendNameToBlock:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if additional text should be added to the end of the names of cargo blocks that are modified by this Loot Profile.
Allowed Values: true
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                AppendedName
Tag Format: [AppendedName:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the name that is appended to the end of cargo block names if AppendNameToBlock is true
Allowed Values: true
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MatchBlocksContainingName
Tag Format: [MatchBlocksContainingName:Value]
Description: This tag specifies if the Loot Profile should be restricted to Cargo Blocks that partially or fully match the block name given in the MatchedName tag.
Allowed Values: true
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                MatchedName
Tag Format: [MatchedName:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the partial or full name of the block that must be matched for it to be eligible for use by this profile.
Allowed Values: Any Block Name
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                Chance
Tag Format: [Chance:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the chance (out of 100) that this profile will be used.
Allowed Values: Any Integer Between 0 - 100
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
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