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Custom Event Actions and ScenarioTools

CptArthur edited this page Nov 26, 2023 · 6 revisions

EventActions continuation


Tag:                                ActivateCustomAction
Tag Format: [ActivateCustomAction:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: true
Multiple Tag Allowed: no
Tag:                                CustomActionName
Tag Format: [CustomActionName:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: Any name string excluding :, [, ]
Multiple Tag Allowed: no
Tag:                                CustomActionArgumentsString
Tag Format: [CustomActionArgumentsString:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: Any name string excluding :, [, ]
Multiple Tag Allowed: yes
Tag:                                CustomActionArgumentsBool
Tag Format: [CustomActionArgumentsBool:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: true
Multiple Tag Allowed: yes
Tag:                                CustomActionArgumentsInt
Tag Format: [CustomActionArgumentsInt:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: Any interger equal or greater than 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: yes
Tag:                                CustomActionArgumentsFloat
Tag Format: [CustomActionArgumentsFloat:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: Any float equal or greater than 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: yes
Tag:                                CustomActionArgumentsLong
Tag Format: [CustomActionArgumentsLong:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: Any long equal or greater than 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: yes
Tag:                                CustomActionArgumentsDouble
Tag Format: [CustomActionArgumentsDouble:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: Any double equal or greater than 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: yes
Tag:                                CustomActionArgumentsVector3D
Tag Format: [CustomActionArgumentsVector3D:Value]
Description: nan
Allowed Values: Any Vector3D equal or greater than 0
Multiple Tag Allowed: yes

Scenario Tools

Mod link

Scenario Tools is an extension of MES.

Scenario Tools Custom Actions:





Custom Actions


This custom action creates a new GPS marker with specified parameters.


string name: The name of the GPS marker.

string desc: The description of the GPS marker.

int time: The time (in minutes) the GPS marker will be active.

Vector3Dcoord: The coordinates of the GPS marker.

<EntityComponent xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_InventoryComponentDefinition">
	[MES Event Action]
	[CustomActionArgumentsString:Story Event]
	[CustomActionArgumentsString:Oh the humanity!]
	[CustomActionArgumentsVector3D:{X:-1725718.78 Y:1493440.69 Z:-698321.45}]



string name:Name of the GPS, so that was created by Create GPS

The name of the GPS. Usage:

<EntityComponent xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_InventoryComponentDefinition">
	[MES Event Action]
	[CustomActionArgumentsString:Story Event]


This custom action adds a news item to a LCD script.


string text: The text of the news item.

<EntityComponent xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_InventoryComponentDefinition">
	[MES Event Action]
	[CustomActionArgumentsString:FAF Captured Carcosa]


Description: This custom action spawns a planetary installation at a specified location.


string spawnGroup: The group name for the planetary installation.

Vector3D coord: The coordinates of the area where the installation should be spawned .

<EntityComponent xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_InventoryComponentDefinition">
	[MES Event Action]
	[CustomActionArgumentsVector3D:{X:-1169412.7 Y:97934.39 Z:1325510.96}]	


Description: This custom action spawns a planetary blockade near players within a specified radius.

This needs to be connected to a Event Condition that uses playernear


string spawnGroup: The group name for the spawned blockade.

int MinRadius: The minimum radius from players for spawning.

int MaxRadius: The maximum radius from players for spawning.

int SpawnDistance: The distance from players where the blockade should be spawned.

Vector3D PlanetCentercoord: The coordinates of the center of the planet.

	<EntityComponent xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_InventoryComponentDefinition">
	[MES Event Action]
	[CustomActionArgumentsVector3D:{X:1449429.5 Y:-622819.5 Z:-2854387.5}]
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