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Admin & Configuration: Timeout

Lucas Massey edited this page Feb 9, 2023 · 2 revisions

These settings can be found in each of the encounter types configuration files. The settings listed here control the spawning timeout system for the encounter type.

Timeouts occur if too many grids of a particular type (Space Cargo Ship, Random Encounter, etc) are spawned in an area within a short amount of time. If the limit is reached, then a cooldown timer is applied to the immediate area before any other spawns are allowed to occur. This helps mitigate larger groups of players working cooperatively being swamped with spawns if they are all in the same area.

For the chat commands, replace EncounterType with any of the types of encounter from the other configurations (eg: SpaceCargoShips, RandomEncounters, etc)

The settings you can modify are listed below:

Setting: UseTimeout
XML: <UseTimeout>Value</UseTimeout>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.UseTimeout.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if Timeout should be enabled for this encounter type. Value can be true or false
Setting: TimeoutRadius
XML: <TimeoutRadius>Value</TimeoutRadius>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.TimeoutRadius.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the radius from a spawn that a timeout will cover. Value can be 0 or higher
Setting: TimeoutSpawnLimit
XML: <TimeoutSpawnLimit>Value</TimeoutSpawnLimit>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.TimeoutSpawnLimit.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the amount of spawns that can occur in a timeout area before the cooldown is applied. Value can be 0 or higher
Setting: TimeoutDuration
XML: <TimeoutDuration>Value</TimeoutDuration>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.TimeoutDuration.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the amount of time (in seconds) that spawns will be restricted in an area if the cooldown is triggered. Value can be 0 or higher
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