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Admin & Configuration: Random Encounters

Lucas Massey edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 3 revisions

You can find the Random Encounters Settings Configuration File in MySaveWorldFolder\Storage\1521905890.sbm_ModularEncountersSpawner\Config-RandomEncounters.xml. The settings you can modify are listed below:

Setting: EnableSpawns
XML: <EnableSpawns>Value</EnableSpawns>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.EnableSpawns.Value
Description: This setting allows you to Enable or Disable All Encounters from this Spawn Type.
Setting: PlayerSpawnCooldown
XML: <PlayerSpawnCooldown>Value</PlayerSpawnCooldown>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.PlayerSpawnCooldown.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the cooldown time (in seconds) after a Random Encounter appears before another one can appear for the player. Value can be any integer number (should not be 0 or lower)
Setting: SpawnTimerTrigger
XML: <SpawnTimerTrigger>Value</SpawnTimerTrigger>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.SpawnTimerTrigger.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify how often the script should measure the player's distance to see if they've travelled far enough to trigger a Random Encounter spawn. Value can be any integer number (should not be 0 or lower)
Setting: PlayerTravelDistance
XML: <PlayerTravelDistance>Value</PlayerTravelDistance>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.PlayerTravelDistance.Value
Description: This settings allows you to specify the distance a player must travel in space before a Random Encounter will spawn. Value can be any number (should not be 0 or lower)
Setting: MaxShipsPerArea
XML: <MaxShipsPerArea>Value</MaxShipsPerArea>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.MaxShipsPerArea.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if there can should be a maximum amount of Random Encounter grids near the player area. The AreaSize property below specifies the radius to check. Value can be true or false
Setting: AreaSize
XML: <AreaSize>Value</AreaSize>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.AreaSize.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the area to check for existing Random Encounters if MaxShipsPerArea is set to true. Value can be any number (should not be 0 or lower)
Setting: MinSpawnDistanceFromPlayer
XML: <MinSpawnDistanceFromPlayer>Value</MinSpawnDistanceFromPlayer>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.MinSpawnDistanceFromPlayer.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the minimum distance a Random Encounter will appear from a player position. The distance is calculated as a random value between MinSpawnDistanceFromPlayer and MaxSpawnDistanceFromPlayer. Value can be any number (should not be 0 or lower and should be lower than MaxSpawnDistanceFromPlayer)
Setting: MaxSpawnDistanceFromPlayer
XML: <MaxSpawnDistanceFromPlayer>Value</MaxSpawnDistanceFromPlayer>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.MaxSpawnDistanceFromPlayer.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the minimum distance a Random Encounter will appear from a player position. The distance is calculated as a random value between MinSpawnDistanceFromPlayer and MaxSpawnDistanceFromPlayer. Value can be any number (should not be 0 or lower and should be higher than MinSpawnDistanceFromPlayer)
Setting: MinDistanceFromOtherEntities
XML: <MinDistanceFromOtherEntities>Value</MinDistanceFromOtherEntities>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.MinDistanceFromOtherEntities.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the minimum distance from other entities (grids, players, etc). Value can be any number higher than 0
Setting: SpawnAttempts
XML: <SpawnAttempts>Value</SpawnAttempts>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.SpawnAttempts.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify how many attempts the mod should make to find a suitable spot to spawn the Random Encounter. Value can take any integer number higher than 0
Setting: UseMaxSpawnGroupFrequency
XML: <UseMaxSpawnGroupFrequency>Value</UseMaxSpawnGroupFrequency>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.UseMaxSpawnGroupFrequency.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if the spawn group frequency should be set no higher than a provided value. The MaxSpawnGroupFrequency value would be the frequency used if the spawn group frequency is above that value. Value can be set to true or false
Setting: MaxSpawnGroupFrequency
XML: <MaxSpawnGroupFrequency>Value</MaxSpawnGroupFrequency>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.MaxSpawnGroupFrequency.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the spawning frequency of Random Encounters if UseMaxSpawnGroupFrequency is set to true. Value can be replaced with any number (no lower than 0).
Setting: DespawnDistanceFromPlayer
XML: <DespawnDistanceFromPlayer>Value</DespawnDistanceFromPlayer>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.RandomEncounters.DespawnDistanceFromPlayer.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the minimum distance players must be from the encounter before despawn is triggered. Value can be replaced with any number (no lower than 0).
Setting: SpawnTypeBlacklist
XML: <SpawnTypeBlacklist>Value</SpawnTypeBlacklist>
Chat Command (Add): /MES.Settings.Creatures.SpawnTypeBlacklist.Add.Value
Chat Command (Remove): /MES.Settings.Creatures.SpawnTypeBlacklist.Remove.Value
Description: This setting allows you to blacklist certain spawngroups from appearing when this encounter type is used for spawning.
Setting: SpawnTypePlanetBlacklist
XML: <SpawnTypePlanetBlacklist>Value</SpawnTypePlanetBlacklist>
Chat Command (Add): /MES.Settings.Creatures.SpawnTypePlanetBlacklist.Add.Value
Chat Command (Remove): /MES.Settings.Creatures.SpawnTypePlanetBlacklist.Remove.Value
Description: This setting allows you to blacklist certain planets from being able to spawn this type of encounter.
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