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Admin & Configuration: Clean Up

Lucas Massey edited this page Feb 4, 2022 · 3 revisions

These settings can be found in each of the encounter types configuration files. The settings listed here control the circumstances for when grids of that type should be removed from the game by the clean-up process.

For the chat commands, replace EncounterType with any of the types of encounter from the other configurations (eg: SpaceCargoShips, RandomEncounters, etc)

The settings you can modify are listed below:

Setting: UseCleanupSettings
XML: <UseCleanupSettings>Value</UseCleanupSettings>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.UseCleanupSettings.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if the clean-up process should include encounters from this configuration file type. Value can be true or false
Setting: OnlyCleanNpcsFromMes
XML: <OnlyCleanNpcsFromMes>Value</OnlyCleanNpcsFromMes>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.OnlyCleanNpcsFromMes.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if the clean-up process should only target grids that were spawned by Modular Encounters Systems. Value can be true or false
Setting: CleanupUseDistance
XML: <CleanupUseDistance>Value</CleanupUseDistance>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupUseDistance.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if the clean-up process for this encounter type should remove grids that are too far away from players. Value can be true or false
Setting: CleanupUseTimer
XML: <CleanupUseTimer>Value</CleanupUseTimer>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupUseTimer.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if the clean-up process for this encounter type should remove grids after a certain amount of time. Value can be true or false
Setting: CleanupUseBlockLimit
XML: <CleanupUseBlockLimit>Value</CleanupUseBlockLimit>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupUseBlockLimit.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if the clean-up process for this encounter type should remove grids that exceed a certain block count. Value can be true or false
Setting: CleanupDistanceStartsTimer
XML: <CleanupDistanceStartsTimer>Value</CleanupDistanceStartsTimer>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupDistanceStartsTimer.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if the clean-up process for this encounter type should start the clean-up timer for the grid after a player is outside the clean-up distance. CleanupUseDistance and CleanupUseTimer must both be set to true for this feature to work. Value can be true or false
Setting: CleanupResetTimerWithinDistance
XML: <CleanupResetTimerWithinDistance>Value</CleanupResetTimerWithinDistance>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupResetTimerWithinDistance.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if CleanupDistanceStartsTimer is set to true and the player is within the clean-up distance limit, then the clean-up timer for that grid will reset to 0. CleanupDistanceStartsTimer must be set to true for this feature to work. Value can be true or false
Setting: CleanupDistanceTrigger
XML: <CleanupDistanceTrigger>Value</CleanupDistanceTrigger>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupDistanceTrigger.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the maximum distance from the nearest player before the grid is removed if CleanupUseDistance is set to true. Value can be any number higher than 0.
Setting: CleanupTimerTrigger
XML: <CleanupTimerTrigger>Value</CleanupTimerTrigger>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupTimerTrigger.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the time limit (in seconds) before a grid is removed if CleanupUseTimer is set to true. Value can be set to any integer number higher than 0
Setting: CleanupBlockLimitTrigger
XML: <CleanupBlockLimitTrigger>Value</CleanupBlockLimitTrigger>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupBlockLimitTrigger.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the maximum amount of blocks a grid is allowed to have. Grids with a higher block count will be removed if CleanupUseBlockLimit is set to true. Value can be set to any integer number higher than 0
Setting: CleanupIncludeUnowned
XML: <CleanupIncludeUnowned>Value</CleanupIncludeUnowned>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupIncludeUnowned.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if unowned grids spawned by the spawner should also be included in the clean-up process. Value can be set to true or false.
Setting: CleanupUnpoweredOverride
XML: <CleanupUnpoweredOverride>Value</CleanupUnpoweredOverride>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupUnpoweredOverride.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if different Distance and Timer values should be used if the target grid is unpowered. Value can be set to true or false.
Setting: CleanupUnpoweredDistanceTrigger
XML: <CleanupUnpoweredDistanceTrigger>Value</CleanupUnpoweredDistanceTrigger>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupUnpoweredDistanceTrigger.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the maximum distance from the nearest player before the unpowered grid is removed if CleanupUseDistance and CleanupUnpoweredOverride is set to true. Value can be any number higher than 0.
Setting: CleanupUnpoweredTimerTrigger
XML: <CleanupUnpoweredTimerTrigger>Value</CleanupUnpoweredTimerTrigger>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.CleanupUnpoweredTimerTrigger.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify the time limit (in seconds) before the unpowered grid is removed if CleanupUseTimer and CleanupUnpoweredOverride is set to true. Value can be set to any integer number higher than 0
Setting: UseBlockDisable
XML: <UseBlockDisable>Value</UseBlockDisable>
Chat Command: /MES.Settings.EncounterType.UseBlockDisable.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify if certain blocks on the NPC grid should be disabled after spawning. Value can be set to true or false
Setting: DisableBlocksByType
XML: <DisableBlocksByType>
Chat Command (Add): /MES.Settings.General.DisableBlocksByType.Add.Value
Chat Command (Remove): /MES.Settings.General.DisableBlocksByType.Remove.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify one or more Block Types (using their TypeId) that will be disabled on NPC grids when they spawn. To add more types to the list, simply create a new line between the <DisableBlocksByType> and </DisableBlocksByType> tags and enter the following <string>Value</string> - Replace Value with the exact name of the Block TypeId you want to Disable.
Setting: DisableBlocksByDefinitionId
XML: <DisableBlocksByDefinitionId>
Chat Command (Add): /MES.Settings.General.DisableBlocksByDefinitionId.Add.Value
Chat Command (Remove): /MES.Settings.General.DisableBlocksByDefinitionId.Remove.Value
Description: This setting allows you to specify one or more Block Types (using their MyDefinitionId string) that will be disabled on NPC grids when they spawn. To add more types to the list, simply create a new line between the <DisableBlocksByDefinitionId> and </DisableBlocksByDefinitionId> tags and enter the following <string>Value</string> - Replace Value with the exact name of the Block MyDefinitionId you want to Disable.
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