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Releases: HenriquesLab/NanoJ-Fluidics

MicroManager 2.0

07 Nov 22:12
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MicroManager 2.0 Pre-release

This is an early release of the attempt to make NanoJ-Fluidics compatible with micro-manager 2.0.

This release is NOT compatible with micro-manager 1.4 and uses Java 8.0 as well.

Documentation is a work in progress, feel free to report issues or ask questions on the Gitter chat .

Small bug fix

07 Dec 13:52
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This release adds the new formatting for waiting periods to the withdrawal step as well.

Please find more information on how to install in the Wiki.

Bug fixes for non-integer wait durations and volumes

06 Dec 19:46
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This release enables users to input non-integer minutes and hours for the step duration (e. g. 1.5 hours). It also fixes an issue where the units for the syringe volume was being ignored.

Please find more information on how to install in the Wiki.

Major bug fixes

29 Nov 17:03
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This release fixes 2 major bugs with the previous release:

1 - Unfortunately, a debugging line of code was left over during prior development. The Lego pumps hard a hard-coded line setting the speed to the maximum regardless of any prior setting.
2 - Changes in the code's internal logic made it so the step duration was always set as seconds and ignoring when users chose minutes or hours.

Please find more information on how to install in the Wiki.

Improving peristaltic pump interaction

10 Oct 13:14
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This release improves the logic of how peristaltic pumps are used, hopefully becoming clearer to users how to control them.

Please find more information on how to install in the Wiki.

Fixing bug with script interface

10 Oct 10:56
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Fix: bug where the script interface would skip the last step when using startSequence(start,end);.

Full automation / Syringe exchange now optional

09 Oct 13:31
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Before this version, the software assumed each pump would discharge only once, or at least that some user feedback should be required before using the same pump twice.

This version changes the logic so that the user is the one who determines when a syringe exchange is required. This is done by clicking on a checkbox on each step that requires a syringe exchange prior to it starting.

Please find more information on how to install in the Wiki.

GUI can now synchronize with micro-manager acquisitions

09 Oct 11:07
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We've added new functions that allow the GUI to be controlled from within Micro-Manager BeanShell scripts. You can find more information on this in the External Control section of the wiki.

You can also learn how to install in the Wiki.

Micro-Manager version now working.

04 Oct 10:37
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After testing a few solutions to the pump plugin system no longer working in the micro-manager release, we've decided to hard code the lego and dummy pump classes for the time being.

Please find more information on how to install in the Wiki.

Improving disconnection and new version label

18 Aug 14:31
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We found that the previous way of choosing which pump to disconnect from was counter-intuitive. Now, the GUI disconnects from whatever port is currently selected on the drop-down list. Also added a version label so it is easy to identify what version you are currently using.

Please find more information on how to install in the Wiki.