Releases: FirstGearGames/FishNet
Releases · FirstGearGames/FishNet
- Fixed DistanceCondition.MaximumDistance not applying properly when set at runtime (#809).
- Obsoleted DistanceCondition.MaximumDistance.
- Added DistanceCondition.Get/SetMaximumDistance.
- Fixed predicted spawners not becoming an observer of the object they spawned.
- Fixed internals trying to call prediction methods on NetworkBehaviours when they do not utilize prediction when at least one NetworkBehaviour for the NetworkObject does.
- Fixed SyncTimers finishing immediately on clientsOnly when using timer.Update without arguments. (#807).
- Added TickNetworkBehaviour.SetTickCallbacks to set callbacks at runtime.
- Fixed PreciseTick.Percent value being 0 instead of 1 when checked during a ticked frame.
- Fixed condition where NetworkTransform may not unsubscribe from events on client or server stop.
- Fixed code stripping not working in Unity 2022+ (#798).
- Fixed SyncVar OnChange method having incorrect previous value for clientOnly (#800).
- Fixed foreach enumerator in SyncList (#799).
- Added PreciseTick.GetUnsetValue.
- Fixed preciseTick.Subtract improperly calculating percentages.
- Fixed incorrect parsing of null arrays (#802).
- Added NetworkObject.PreventDespawnOnDisconnect to prevent objects from despawning when the owner disconnects.
- Fixed NetworkTransform.ResetState causing NullReferenceException when despawning within OnStartServer of the object.
- Fixed scene objects not despawning from within OnStartServer when clientHost did not observer the object.
- Improved Rebuild SceneIds now forcefully rebuilds Ids even if they appear to already be set.
- Added ResettableCollectionCaches.Retrieve/Store Queue and BasicQueue.
- Fixed nested scene NetworkObjects not spawning (#791).
- Added 'Rebuild Selected Scene's Ids' (#789).
- Improved SyncList, removed unused code. (#785).
- Fixed incorrect equality check in SyncList.Set (#784).
- Improved readability for clientHost renderer update methods.
- Improved Dictionaries utilities, removed unused code.
- Fixed collection modified error in ServerObjects.Observers, introduced in 4.5.0 dev branch.
- Fixed NetworkTransform sometimes causing null reference errors with predicted spawning (#792).
- Fixed predicted spawning no longer sends spawn message back to predicted spawner; only confirmation message.
- Improved removed unused code in NetworkAnimator.
- Fixed null check order on NetworkAnimator._canSynchronizeAnimator (#794).
- Added IOrderable.
- Added lst.AddOrdered().
- Added ObserverCondition.AddOrder.
- Added Observer conditions can now be checked in a preferred order. This can be useful for prioritizing the fastest checks first.
- Fixed NetworkTransform deinitialize capable of corrupting packet (#786).
- Fixed harmless message, server timed out a client, on a ghost connection (#782).
- Fixed SyncTimer Start callback not working on clientOnly when object spawned with timer active (#768).
- Fixed SyncTimer Finished callback not working on clientOnly when timer duration expired on the same tick timer was started (#768).
- Improved Obsolete message on SyncVars to alleviate confusion.
- Fixed beta SyncType collections incorrectly being cleared when clientHost lost visibility (#651).
- Fixed harmless 'method not supported' error on Multipass (#455).
- Added beta PredictionManager.CreateLocalStates.
- Changed NetworkObject inspector layout.
- Added NetworkTransform component configuration now occurs on ownership change as well.
- Added PlayerSpawner.SetPlayerPrefab.
- Fixed several clientHost destroy race conditions with rapid despawns.
- Improved performance on despawning objects with timed observer conditions.
- Added Tugboat.SetTimeout.
- Fixed server incorrectly sending clientAuth NetworkTransform updates as reliable, resulting in stutter on observers (#787).
- Added notice when Fish-Networking code stripping is enabled when building.
- Fixed Resettable/RingBuffer foreach iteration error when Count is 0.
- Fixed NetworkObject.Deinitialize running asServer: false multiple times when using predicted spawning.
- Fixed potential for clientHost renderers to stay hidden on an object after removing a pre-existing renderer.
- Obsoleted NetworkObject.IsSpawnable.
- Added NetworkObject.Get/SetIsSpawnable.
- Added TimeManager.GetTickElapsedAsDouble.
- Fixed SceneIds sometimes not being set on objects newly added to scenes.
- Fixed possible race condition with users accessing SyncTypes from awake before scene objects are initialized.
- Obsoleted NetworkObject.IsNetworked.
- Added NetworkObject.GetIsNetworked; SetIsNetworked already existed.
- Obsoleted NetworkBehaviour.IsNetworked.
- Added Networkbehaviour.Get/SetIsNetworked.
- Added several PreciseTick operators.
- Added PreciseTick.Add/Subtract extensions.
- Added PreciseTick.IsValid();
- Added TimeManager.TimeToPreciseTick.
- Improved NetworkConnection.Kick sanity checks when trying to kick invalid connections.
- Fixed SyncVar (Beta) not sending updates to reference times after calling DirtyAll, when the SyncVar was initialized in Awake and not changed aftwards.
- Improved SyncVar write performance slightly.
- Added UnloadSceneEventArgs.UnloadedScenesV2 to resolve issue (#783).
- Fixed "cannot have it's parent changed" warning when spawning objects with nested NetworkObjects.
- Fixed PrefabId 65535 is out of range error when spawning nested NetworkObjects which were not prefabs (#778).
- Improved performance marginally for clients using prediction.
- Fixed SyncDictionary.DirtyAll not working.
- Fixed SyncList adding duplicate entries for clients (#769).
- Fixed NetworkTransform.SetSychronizedProperties updating only observers when called by the server (#774).
- Changed NetworkTransform removed server ability to SetSynchronizedProperties if client authoritative with owner.
- Fixed ChildTransformTickSmoother ignoring owner smoothed properties (#770, #771).
- Fixed SceneManager sometimes not automatically setting the proper active scene (#765).
- Fixed Resettable/RingBuffer enumerator not working.
- Fixed clientHost sometimes incorrectly losing render visibility of objects. (#772).
Note: this also includes changes from all 4.4.5 Pre-releases.
- Fixed predicted objects desychronizing when no input was applied.
- Changed removed ClientHostCollection for SyncTypes in Beta.
- Added Logging option RPC attributes.
- Fixed HashGrid demo scene allowing clients to locally teleport server authoritative objects.
- Fixed timed observers not rebuilding when the maximum rebuild time was set to 0f.
- Fixed NetworkTransform field deinitializing without re-initializing on clientHost.
- Fixed NetworkTransform not resetting all datas properly on clientHost disconnect and reconnect.
- Fixed SyncVar not resetting 'values set' field after deinitializing when pooling.
- Changed NetworkObject.NetworkBehaviours is now a List rather than Array.
- Changed renamed NetworkObject.SerializedNestedNetworkObjects to InitializedNestedNetworkObjects.
- Changed renamed NetworkObject.SerializedRootNetworkBehaviour to InitializedParentNetworkBehaviour.
- Fixed nested NetworkObjects spawning under their parent NetworkObject rather than the object they were under on the prefab.
- Fixed SyncTypes corrupting spawn packets.