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User Management Module

Flavio Fuart edited this page Jul 4, 2016 · 2 revisions

#User Management Module# Sub grantees are given access to their own report through the FI IMPACT portal. All other users that want to view reports or use other functionalities of the Assessment and Benchmarking Tool have to be registered in the system. They are granted a set of rights to perform actions. The actions are described in the table below.

Management Console Access Rights

Role name Description
admin Access to the admin console with view-only privileges.
export Allows using the “Export” to text function.
upload Grant to upload Mattermark data
upload-extended Upload projects ('global DB') and mappings ('Oglivy SFC'). This functionality is available only to JSI.
user-management Grant to manage other users.

Users can also be restricted to view/export data only for one accelerator. This also means that they can only manage other users that have been assigned to that accelerator. A user can only grant its own privileges to other users.

User Management Console

A typical example is shown in the figure above. In the example, the user fiadmin can perform all actions. The ecadmin users is not allowed to upload the Global DB and Oglivy datasets, while it can do everything else. The admin-pioneers user can only see and export data for the European Pioneers accelerator. It cannot upload any data not export data or manage users for other accelerators.

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