This vtm-Rendertheme is based on the original from Wahoo. It will work on the Wahoo Bolt2 and Roam2 (heavily tested) and the original Roam (not tested in lack of the device). It is not intended to be used with the the original Bolt 1 and ELEMNT.
I published an article in the German c't Magazin. It discribes the process of creating maps and some basics for adjusting the rendering theme.
- connect MTP via usb
- create the directory
- copy files via Explorer to the Bolt
- width and color of Cycle Trails / Paved Cycleways (initial idea of BadmanBarista)
- paved tracks -> black solid lines
- Non-paved tracks -> dashed lines
- added landuse forrest, more detailed with1
- color of waterways
- highway outlines for smaller roads and bike lanes / small briges
- changed color of construction to red dashed line
- changed steps to black dashed line
- added railways
- added labels for motorway, primary
- added labels for river
- added some pois like fuel, bakery, cafe, railway station, bicycle shop1
- added names for cafes and shortnames for supermarkets/bakerys 1
- added mtb:scale and mtb:type with value-caption 1
- added landuse buildings1
Based on the work of BadmanBarista
requires advanced map material, this tag-mapping-file, this tagtransform-file and the attached icons ↩ ↩2 ↩3 ↩4 ↩5