The Wahoo Bolt2 and the Roam2 show 64 color (43) on the display. When using Hex color only following values are used:
Hex Value |
00 |
55 |
AA |
FF |
On Cruiser this results in pretty screaming color, but on the reflective display they are quite nice.
Be aware that the lightest gray is #AAAAAA
Make sure to create a suitable contrast!
html presentation of avalable color
To adjust the size of symbols they can be scaled like this:
<symbol src="icons/train_station.svg" symbol-percent="130"/>
So that POI symbols do not cover too much map material in the overview, you can also use different symbols for different zoom levels.
<m v="supermarket">
<m zoom-min="14">
<symbol src="icons/supermarket_small.svg" symbol-percent="50"/>
<m zoom-min="15">
<symbol src="icons/supermarket.svg"/>
<m zoom-min="16">
<caption cat="bolt2" fill="#FF0000" k="name"
font-family="condensed" font-style="bold" priority="6" size="14"
stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="3.0" dy="-16"/>
Apart from the dashed lines there is the possibility of adding stipple strokes like this:
<line cap="butt" fade="12" fix="true" stipple="15" stipple-stroke="#ffffff" stipple-width="0.7" stroke="#000000" width="3" />
In the original vtm-elemnt.xml
there are some custom tags that need to be mapped correctly. For example the tag bic_yes
and bic_designated
. They correspond with the mapping-file at the line: <osm-tag key='bicycle' value='bic_yes' equivalent-values='yes,public,allowed' renderable='false' />
. I added another custom tag for the surface: bic_paved
and bic_unpaved
If you want to change the style according to your hardware, setting the defaultvalue does not work under the current bolt.apk. You have to swap cat-id to you desired value!
When rendering my first own maps I had some artefacts of natural=nosea
. Investigating this I found that the used land-polygons-split-4326
are – as stated – split. Problem here is the overlapping ares. So adding the tag mesh="true"
resolves the problem. [source]
Authorize the Elemnt via adb like so. Then run
adb exec-out screencap -p>screenshot.png
According to the article by DC RAINMAKER it is quite simple to create a screencapture on the Wahoo Bolt.
Create a the folder names capture
on the bolt. Start recording by using the system menu on the bolt: