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Yuriy Lesyuk edited this page Nov 5, 2020 · 60 revisions

AHR Apigee Hybrid Runtime Control Utility

AHR Logo

We don’t rise to the level of our expectations – we fall to the level of our training.
-- Archilochus


This wiki and the ahr code repository are a collection of materials developed by GCP/BAP Customer Success team.

Its goal is to facilitate knowledge transfer and best practices around installation, operations, and troubleshooting of Apigee Hybrid product.

The AHR utility complements officially provided apigeectl utility and encapsulates additional tasks that optimise operational experience.

The AHR Wiki complements Apigee Hybrid documentation and contains walkthrough tutorials, concept guides, and troubleshooting articles that cover variety of specific scenarios that go outside of scope and remit of an official documentation.

Target audience

The expected target audiences of the ahr and ahr wiki are:

  • users installing Apigee hybrid first time; expediting success rate by following specific end-to-end walkthrough tutorials;

  • users that wish to have a better knowledge of operating hybrid prerequisite components like ASM/Istio ingress gateway;

  • details of private cluster setups;

  • multi-cloud setups, including networking, and VPN connectivity;

  • devops engineers interested in automation of hybrid installations, performance testing, etc.


* AHR-the-utility logo alludes to another AHR, Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor, protein that in humans is encoded by the AHR gene. See "You AhR What You Eat: Linking Diet and Immunity" [1]; 3

There is a number of traits that draw the parallel between ahr the utility and ahr the protein.

  • It is useful during CI/CD Ops development. "In terms of evolution, the oldest physiological role of Ahr is in development."

  • It complements kubectl, istioctl, and apigeectl in its adaptive function. "The adaptive response is manifested as the induction of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes"

  • It helps dealing with toxic aspects of bugs and errors while troubleshooting and debugging. "Extensions of the adaptive response are the toxic responses elicited by Ahr activation." [2]


This repository and its contents are not an official Google product, nor are they part of an official Google product.


See the contributing instructions to get started.


This is a community supported project. There is no warranty for this code. If you have problems or questions, ask on


This material is copyright 2020, Google LLC and is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file.

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