Releases: ystia/yorc
Releases · ystia/yorc
Yorc Changelog
3.2.1 (July 05, 2019)
- Wrong resources allocation on shareable Hosts Pool (GH-426)
- Deleting one host in Pool deletes other hosts having as prefix the deleted hostname (GH-430)
- Yorc should support long standard operation names as well as short ones (GH-300)
- Fix attributes notifications for services (substitutions) (GH-423)
- Monitoring can be stopped before the job termination (GH-438)
- Problem with getting the path of common types stored in Consul (GH-451)
- mem_per_node slurm option parameter is limited to integer number of GB (GH-446)
- Job node state remains to "executing" when Ansible job fails (GH-455)
- Panic occurs uploading job slurm artifacts during load test (GH-465)
- Slurm Job cancel operation is failing during undeploy in some cases when purge task is done before (GH-473)
3.2.0 (May 31, 2019)
- Bootstrap support of Ubuntu 1904 (GH-419)
- Print plugin logs in higher level than DEBUG (GH-329)
- Slurm job logs are displayed many time (GH-397)
- Allow to configure resources prefix for bootstrapped Yorc (GH-399)
- Undeployment of a Hosts Pool bootstrapped setup doesn't clean correctly Hosts Pool (GH-406)
- Failure to deploy an application with Compute resources constraints on Hosts Pool (GH-409)
- Yorc server crashes on error: fatal error: concurrent map write (GH-413)
- Yorc bootstrap on HostPool in interactive mode should ask for hosts private IP addresses also (GH-411)
- Secure bootstrap on Hosts Pool fails configuring infra, error "playbooks must be a list of plays" (GH-396)
- Kubernetes infrastructure configuration support in Yorc is not able to detect erroneous config file path (GH-378)
- Emit a persistent event on deployment purge (GH-402)
- Invalid memory address panic appends on a workflow with non-existent on success step reference (GH-417)
- Erroneous Warning message on purged deployments timestamp (GH-421)
Yorc Changelog
3.2.0-RC1 (May 10, 2019)
- Can't deploy applications using compute instances filters on Hosts Pools (GH-385)
- Unexpected deployment deletion during topology unmarshalling (GH-375)
- Parsing of a description field of an TOSCA interface is interpreted as an operation (GH-372)
- Yorc does not support python3 (GH-319)
- Migrate from Oracle JDK to OpenJDK when bootstrapping Yorc/Alien4Cloud (GH-383)
- Monitoring causes Yorc and Consul CPU over consumption (GH-388)
- Bootstrap step YorcOnDemandLocationResources fails on setup with http proxy defined (GH-384)
- Add a note on ansible upgrade in documentation (GH-373)
- Policies API update (GH-380)
- Reduce the volume of data stored in Consul by removing builtin types duplicates on deployments (GH-371)
- Execute custom workflows and custom commands on selected instances (GH-107)
- Support OpenStack authentication with user domain (GH-355)
Yorc Changelog
3.2.0-M5 (April 19, 2019)
- Implement an anti-affinity placement policy for Openstack (GH-84)
- Allow to configure Ansible configuration file (GH-346)
- Monitor deployed services liveness (GH-104)
- Add job status feedback for slurm and k8s jobs (GH-351)
- Upgrade Ansible to 2.7.9 (GH-364)
- Reduce the volume of data stored in Consul part 1 (GH-361)
- Unable to delete a deployment with non-conform topology (GH-368)
Yorc Changelog
3.2.0-M4 (March 29, 2019)
- REST API doc changes on deployment update support in premium version (GH-352)
- Bootstrap Yorc with a Vault instance (GH-282)
- Refactor Slurm jobs (GH-220)
- Yorc does not log a slurm command error message, making diagnostic difficult (GH-348)
- Yorc hostspool now allows more filtering (GH-89)
- Bootstrap using a premium version of Alien4Cloud fails to configure https/SSL (GH-345)
- Deployment fails on error "socket: too many open files" (GH-334)
- Yorc bootstrap does not correctly treat default alien4cloud version download (GH-286)
- Attribute notification is not correctly set with HOST keyword (GH-338)
- Custom command events doesn't provide enough information (GH-324)
- Update Default Oracle JDK download URL as the previous one is not available for download anymore (GH-341)
- Bad notifications storage with several notified for one attribute notifier (GH-343)
Yorc Changelog
3.2.0-M2 (February 15, 2019)
- Technical update to use Alien4Cloud 2.1.1 (Used in bootstrap)
- Purging n deployment in parallel, one can fail on error: Missing targetId for task with id (GH-293)
- Deployment with a topology parsing error remains in initial status (GH-283)
- Interface name is not retrieved from custom command Rest request (GH-287)
- Instances are adding into topology before creating task (GH-289)
- Missing events for uninstall workflow in purge task (GH-302)
- All ssh connections to Slurm are killed if ssh server has reached the max number of allowed sessions (GH-291)
- It can take a considerable delay for a deployment to change status to UNDEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS (GH-306)
- Slurm job monitoring is not designed for concurrency (GH-308)
- SSH Session pool: Panic if connection failed, this impacts Slurm infrastructure (GH-315)
- Bootstrap a secure Yorc setup (GH-179)
- Yorc bootstrap should save input values used to bootstrap a setup (GH-248)
- Publish value change event for instance attributes (GH-222)
- Move to Go modules to manage dependencies (GH-183)
- Document How to create a Yorc Plugin (GH-119)
- Slurm user credentials can be defined as slurm deployment topology properties, as an alternative to yorc configuration properties (GH-281)
Yorc Changelog
3.1.1 (February 06, 2019)
- Purging n deployment in parallel, one can fail on error: Missing targetId for task with id (GH-293)
- Can't deploy applications using a secured yorc/consul (GH-274)
- Unable to purge an application that appears in the list (GH-238)
- K8S jobs namespace should not be removed if its provided (GH-245)
- Deployment with a topology parsing error remains in initial status (GH-283
- Interface name is not retrieved from custom command Rest request (GH-287
- Instances are adding into topology before creating task (GH-289
- All ssh connections to Slurm are killed if ssh server has reached the max number of allowed sessions (GH-291
- Missing events for uninstall workflow in purge task (GH-302
- It can take a considerable delay for a deployment to change status to UNDEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS (GH-306
- Slurm job monitoring is not designed for concurrency (GH-308
Checkout our blog post on Yorc 3.1.0 release
Yorc Changelog
3.1.0 (December 20, 2018)
- When scaling down instances are not cleaned from consul (GH-257)
- Yorc bootstrap fails if downloadable URLs are too long (GH-247)
- Increase default workers number per Yorc server from
- Bootstrap fails on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 (GH-252)