Yorc Changelog
3.2.1 (July 05, 2019)
Wrong resources allocation on shareable Hosts Pool (GH-426 )
Deleting one host in Pool deletes other hosts having as prefix the deleted hostname (GH-430 )
Yorc should support long standard operation names as well as short ones (GH-300 )
Fix attributes notifications for services (substitutions) (GH-423 )
Monitoring can be stopped before the job termination (GH-438 )
Problem with getting the path of common types stored in Consul (GH-451 )
mem_per_node slurm option parameter is limited to integer number of GB (GH-446 )
Job node state remains to "executing" when Ansible job fails (GH-455 )
Panic occurs uploading job slurm artifacts during load test (GH-465 )
Slurm Job cancel operation is failing during undeploy in some cases when purge task is done before (GH-473 )
Expose bypass error parameter on workflow (GH-425 )
Support Alien4Cloud 2.2 (GH-441 )
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