released this
05 May 18:52
1895 commits
to develop
since this release
Yorc Changelog
3.2.0-M2 (February 15, 2019)
- Technical update to use Alien4Cloud 2.1.1 (Used in bootstrap)
- Purging n deployment in parallel, one can fail on error: Missing targetId for task with id (GH-293)
- Deployment with a topology parsing error remains in initial status (GH-283)
- Interface name is not retrieved from custom command Rest request (GH-287)
- Instances are adding into topology before creating task (GH-289)
- Missing events for uninstall workflow in purge task (GH-302)
- All ssh connections to Slurm are killed if ssh server has reached the max number of allowed sessions (GH-291)
- It can take a considerable delay for a deployment to change status to UNDEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS (GH-306)
- Slurm job monitoring is not designed for concurrency (GH-308)
- SSH Session pool: Panic if connection failed, this impacts Slurm infrastructure (GH-315)
- Bootstrap a secure Yorc setup (GH-179)
- Yorc bootstrap should save input values used to bootstrap a setup (GH-248)
- Publish value change event for instance attributes (GH-222)
- Move to Go modules to manage dependencies (GH-183)
- Document How to create a Yorc Plugin (GH-119)
- Slurm user credentials can be defined as slurm deployment topology properties, as an alternative to yorc configuration properties (GH-281)