Version 0.4
0.4 (August 17, 2020)
This release adds several new registration templates and techniques, providing
major improvements in bundle segmentation with waypoint ROIs. In addition, new
visualization methods using plotly were introduced, to generate HTML-based
visualizations of bundles, and to compare longitudinal measurements. This version
relies on pybids for parsing of input datasets. Many other bug fixes and improvements.
- Throw error when backend is misnamed (#363)
- Export what is natural to the viz library (#361)
- Upgrade FURY to support newer VTK (#359)
- Allow for selecting subject(s) by position after randomization (#352)
- Ignore positional arguments in non AFQ functions for docstring parser, add test (#354)
- Auto doc fix (#350)
- Clips streamlines by the inclusion ROI. (#159)
- S3 Bids Fetch Fixes (#340)
- BF: AFQ derivatives should be saved inside "derivatives/afq" (#348)
- Compare profiles from CSVs (#317)
- New CLI / Config (#310)
- Update versions of scipy and vtk. (#342)
- Generating a wm mask out of multiple scalars (#330)
- Add classes for fetching a BIDS-compliant study on S3 (#290)
- Remove this section of the pyproject. (#337)
- Setup with config redux ... redux (#326)
- Updates DIPY url used in metadata. (#333)
- b0_threshold default updated (#331)
- Make power maps the default for registration (#329)
- b value selection fix and test, power map test, models moved to own submodule (#322)
- Revert "Adds a setup.cfg file and cleans up metadata and other hacks" (#324)
- Adds a setup.cfg file and cleans up metadata and other hacks (#320)
- Allow user to customize registration targets, fix some other aspects of registration (#283)
- Bvals preallocation (#63)
- Remove hcc from defaults (#315)
- export_all function (#312)
- Kaleido instead of orcas (#311)
- Viz module uses fury and plotly (#289)
- Allow study selection for fetch_hcp (#300)
- RF: Speed up testing by moving viz test into API run. (#302)
- Pybids (#284)
- Plot tract profiles in CLI (#280)
- Remove cloukdnot examples (#297)
- Make save intermediates folder if it does not already exist (#296)
- Remove six (#295)
- use rapidfuzz instead of fuzzywuzzy (#266)
- Extra requirements feature added, consistent with current requirement files (#291)
- Bump pybids to 0.11.1 (#293)
- make_bundle_dict should only be called after reg_template is settled (#281)
- Add instructions for disabling github actions on forked repos. (#287)
- Fix two bugs, makes tests work (#282)
- Visualize all tract profiles for a scalar in one plot (#268)
- Profile format changed to be less tall and more wide, like mAFQ (#279)
- Added random_seed parameter in tractography (#270)
- Bring fetch_hcp into alignment with other fetch functions (#272)
- Api File Naming (#269)
- Fixed numpydoc version to 0.9.2 (#271)
- Use xvfb_wrapper for aws (#257)
- Save mask as float32, so that we can open it in MI-Brain. (#260)
- Update reqs 253 (#254)
- Use valid value for Zenodo license field. (#249)
- BF: Use Tableau 20 colors for the 20 waypoint-defined bundles. (#251)
- BF: Actually use the user-provided path for saving HCP files. (#250)