In this project, I have implemented Unscented Kalman filter to track three dimensional orientation. This means to estimate the underlying 3D orientation by learning the appropriate model parameters from ground truth data given by a Vicon motion capture system, given IMU sensor readings from gyroscopes and accelerometers. Then be able to generate a real-time panoramic image from camera images using the 3D orientation filter.
- Tested on: Kubuntu 16.04.3, Intel i5-4200U (4) @ 2.600GHz 4GB
- Python 2.7, OpenCV 3.2
- The first part of the problem was to calculate bias and scale parameters for the accelerometer and gyroscope readings.
- Convert IMU readings to quaternions.
- Implement UKF.
- Perform Image Stitching.
- The UKF implementation was done using only orientation(gyroscope) in the state vector as the control input: q = [q0, q1, q2, q3]T .
- Initialize P (Covariance matrix) as size of 3x3. Similarly, R and Q. R is measurement noise and Q is process noise.
- After Kalman filter predict step, new P and state vector q are obtained, which are the used for update step.
- Then Sigma Points are obtained by Cholesky decomposition of (P+Q).
- This step deals with updating P and getting new mean state q. Which then leads to obtaining new Sigma Points. This new sigma points are used to calculate multiple covariances, like Pzz, Pxz, and Pvv.
- The next step involves computing K (Kalman Gain) = Pxz Pvv-1 and I (Innovation term) = Accelerometer reading – Mean of Sigma Points
- These are used to calculate the P and q for the next stage.
Roll-Pitch-Yaw | Vicon Stitch | Estimated Orientation Stitch |
Test Dataset Roll-Pitch-Yaw | Estimated Orientation Stitch |
Vicon Stitch | Estimated Orientation Stitch |
Place the cam data in "cam" folder, vicon data in "vicon" folder and imu data in "imu" folder.
Run to calculate the predicted values for q state vectors.
- Outputs of Roll, Pitch and Yaw for predicted vs vicon data will be in folder --> 'Results' with RPY prefix.
- Outputs of stitching will be in folder --> 'Results' with 'Pano' prefix.
NOTE - All variables to toggle stitching, change dataset and change stitching medium(vicon/imu) are in '' at beginning.
- contains neccessarry functions for quaternion state vector manipulation.