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Barış Kurtlutepe edited this page May 14, 2019 · 3 revisions

Pod failures

The vast majority of pods last the full three days. There are however a small proportion of pod errors reported, mainly related to if you walk away from the rig mid-command. Such problems are likely to be common across all Omnipod DIY artificial pancreas setups, and have been minimised as far as possible in Omnipy. We are also open to making improvements based on feedback.

Fault codes

If you are unfortunate enough to get a pod failure (screamer) AndroidAPS will notify you of the fault code. [Nb for SSH users, this information is logged in the pod.json files in the /omnipy/data directory on the Pi].

Fault 49

You walked too far away from your RileyLink whilst it was communicating with the Pod. Or the Raspberry Pi had an imperfect connection to the RileyLink and connections were constantly dropped. Note that this does not need to happen immediately afterwards, the error usually comes up later.

Fault 52

Pod hardware error due to voltage drop.

Fault codes between 90 and 106

Occlusion detected (code varies based on the type of detection)

Fault codes between 128 and 138

Insulin delivery reconciliation failed. This is a safety check performed by the pod where it compares the actual insulin delivery to the requested delivery (and timing). If there is a mismatch, then one of these errors will occur. The code varies based on delivery type and whether the delivered insulin was above the request or under it. This is usually an indication of an external software problem.


Some people find it helpful to refer to the list provided by Loop: see OmniKit/Model/FaultEventCode.swift lines 15-132 in this link. Note that the codes in that link are given in hexadecimal rather than decimal. You can convert from one to the other with a simple google.