This repository contains data analysis procedure and results for T. brucei Gene Co-expression Network study.
Research publication:
The analysis workflow is documented on 00-data_analysis_workflow.pdf in scripts/analysis
|-- This readme file
|-- environment.yml: contains libraries and packages used in this analysis.
|-- data
| |-- intermediate: data generated during the intermediate steps of the
| | analysis. This is output data of one step that is used as input of
| | another step.
| |
| |-- raw: holds the raw data used in the analysis including metadata files,
| | and links to download the data from European Nucleotide Archive (ENA).
|-- results
| |-- figures: png files generated from scripts/analysis and scripts/figures
| |
| |-- tables: tables generated from scripts/analysis
| | |-- includes csv, xlsx, txt, pdf files.
|-- scripts
|-- analysis: scripts to do all analyses
| |-- includes an Rmd file and its pdf output that documents the analysis workflow
|-- exploration: Rmd documents and scripts with exploratory analyses.
|-- figures: code used to produce some of the figures in results/figures
|-- utils: custom functions used in the analysis