Releases: tomvita/Noexes
Add breeze bookmark support
work without dmnt
This can work with GDB enabled.
Updated dmnt call to detach. With atmosphere 0.20.0 onwards detach is officially supported by dmnt.
Heap range reported by sysmodule include every segments not just heap.
Increased segment count for some games that has extreme number of segments.
Get application pid now works without dmnt attached.
Since the call now always works I have added a auto attach button to Jnoexs. Now you can attach to the running game without looking at the list of all pids.
Added some extra fix contributed by Eiffel2018 to JNoexs.
no need to update if you already have 152
Works with EdiZon SE 3.7.21 and above, pointersearcher 0.5.9 and above
Added some features that isn't utilized by pointersearcher yet.
To install place content of into /atmosphere/contents, if you have installed a previous version into /atmosphere/contents/0100000000000038 you need to remove that directory.
If you can't understand the above paragraph use This may have conflict with future release of atmosphere. Works for the time being. DO NOT DO BOTH!! If you have download before I write this text please download again. The one that was here was the SX version.
I build for people who use SXOS. I think it works but I have not done any testing.
update dump file offset due to change in EdiZon SE file format
Works with EdiZon SE 3.7.18 and pointersearcher 0.5.8
fix a 32bit pointer dump bug
1.4.149 149 fix a 32bit pointerdump bug
Push bookmark file from PC
Added a function to receive bookmark export from PC and place it in EdiZon directory
support 32bit pointer dump
support 32bit pointer dump with pointersearcher SE 0.5.3
fix a small bug when bookmark file was locked
fix a small bug when bookmark file was locked
fix a bug with segment info
a bug with 32bit segments