Releases: tomvita/Noexes
support pointer dump for pointer chain in main
For PS SE 0.5
Enhancement needed to support new features of pointersearcher 0.5
enable long command to be interrupted
This release enables long command such as dump ptr to be interrupted. Support PointerSearcher SE 0.5 beta 2.
Remove 0100000000000038 from older version if present.
Modify to not fail when dmnt is not present
This version remove the check that dmntchtInitialize is successful. Aim is to make it potentially compatible with other CFW.
One other thing to take note. Remove 0100000000000038 from older version if present.
update bookmark export format
Works with EdiZon SE 3.7.21 and pointersearcher 0.5.9
Direct transfer of pointer candidates to Pointersearcher SE
Use with PointerSearcher SE 0.5 and above this release enables direct transfer of pointer candidates.
Remove 0100000000000038 from older version if present.
compatibility imprevement with Jnoexs for the dmnt:cht use cases
Bug fixes for the attach and detach function.
Use dmnt:cht if it is attached to the game process
This version will access game memory via dmnt calls if it is already attached to the game process. No more failure when you try to use Jnoexs and dmnt is already attached to game. Now you can use EdiZon SE and Jnoexs simultaneously!
Fixed a attach bug
Now when an attach failed subsequent attach won't return already attach without being attached.
Update Title ID
Basically KrankRival's version with minor changes due to libnx change and updated the Title ID as per mdbell's change.
Added distinct connect and disconnect button for Jnoexs. Useful when switch has gone to sleep. No need to restart Jnoexs to be able to connect to switch. Just use the connect button to establish connection again.
toolbox.json for dynamic loading of noexs sysmodule. If needed can just unload and reload noexs, no need to reboot switch to get noexs working again. noexs used to need reboot to work should you try to attached when dmnt is already attached to game process.