Flink-cos-fs v1.10-0.2.1
MD5 (flink-cos-fs-hadoop-1.10.0-0.2.1.jar) = e02cbf5350b45c329b254d9143289726
MD5 (flink-cos-fs-hadoop-1.10.0-0.2.1-noshaded.jar) = 7429ef661e30863908b99fb7c32ae535
dependence: Hadoop cos v8.2.4, cos-api_bundle 5.6.112
PS: normal customers use the flink-cos-fs-hadoop-1.10.0-0.2.1.jar pkg, if need use cos ranger can use flink-cos-fs-hadoop-1.10.0-0.2.1-noshaded.jar in Tencent EMR
- add cos ranger dependency
- when shaded Hadoop change relocation exclude the ranger relate org.apache.hadoop.ipc.** and org.apache.hadoop.fs.cosn.ranger.protocol.**
- pass-through the "qcloud.object.storage" prefix config to the COS file system used by cos ranger
- change the flink-fs-hadoop-shaded shaded same with hadoop base
- support two ways to decide whether shade apache hadoop, default is true.