The objective of this project is to compare search based and sampling based motion planning algortihms. In this project A* and RRT algorithms are compared. The A* algorithm's performance is further analysed by varying the heuristic fuctions. The comparison is done on 7 different environoments with 3-D obstracles.
- Below given images are of A* (left image) RRT(right image)
- Install the requirements
conda create --name env_motionPlanning
conda activate env_motionPlanning
git clone
cd motion-planning
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Adjust the config file to speciy heuristic, planner, environment or use the below command
python3 --env <env name> --planner <choose planner>
Example: To choose tower environmnet and Astart planner use below command
python3 --env tower --planner Astar