Repository associated with the paper "Inferring and predicting the T-cells repertoire dynamics of healthy individuals"
Each figure is generated thanks to the help of the Jupyter notebook file Figure(i).ipynb. Sketches found in the paper were designed thanks to Apple Keynote.
Python 3
NoisET is a python /3.6 software. It is available on PyPI and can be downloaded and installed through pip:
$ pip install noisets
Library requirements : seaborn, scipy, scikit-learn
Data-sets analyzed in this study can be found in the following references:
[1] for P1, P2 and P7
[2] SRA: PRJNA493983 for P3 and P4.
[3] SRA: PRJNA316572 for P5 and P8.
[4] SRA: PRJNA577794 for P6.
[5] SRA: SRP111073 for P9.