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Serge Camille edited this page Aug 24, 2015 · 1 revision

This documentation is a part of the TCI reference.

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Shortcut syntax

  • fight_style (scope: global; default: "") is a string to declare a predefined set of raid events. It acts as a shortcut for raid_events and will change this setting. It means it will effectively clear all events declared so far (without affecting events declared after).

Acceptable values are: 1. Patchwerk will set up an empty raid events list. It is equivalent to: 1. HelterSkelter will set up a "crazy" fight. It is equivalent to:


Classic syntax

  • raid_events (scope: global; default: "") is a string sequence specifying the events affecting the whole raid. See TextualConfigurationInterface.
  1. All events are periodic. The following options are available to you: * cooldown or period (default: 0) specifies the periodicity of the event, in seconds. When lesser than or equal to zero, the event will occur every 1ms. TOCHECK. * duration (default:0) specifies the duration of the event, in seconds. When lesser than or equal to zero, the event will last 1ms. TOCHECK.
 #This example will make the raid spend 15s moving every 30s.
  1. The duration and cooldown are always following a normal distribution (see Wikipedia - Normal distribution). The following settings help you adjust this: * cooldown_stddev (default: 0) is the standard deviation, in seconds, of the cooldown. When left to zero, it will be defaulted to 10% of the cooldown. * duration_stddev (default: 0) is the standard deviation, in seconds, of the duration. When left to zero, it will be defaulted to 10% of the duration.
 #This example will make the raid spend 10s moving (with a 5s standard deviation) every 30s (with a 10s standard duration).
  1. You can also specify bounds for duration and cooldown, using the "<=" and ">=" operators with those keywords (note that periodic won't work for specifying bounds for the cooldown though). If you don't specify any bounds, Simulationcraft will use 50% and 150% of the base value as the lower and upper bounds.
 #This example will make the raid spend 15s moving every 30s. Both duration and cooldown follow a normal law but the cooldown will always be greater than 28s and lesser than 32s (rather than 27s and 33s with the default settings).

 #This example will make the raid spend 15s moving every 30s. Both duration and cooldown follow a normal law but the duration will always be greater than 14s and lesser than 16s (rather than 13.5s and 16.5s with the default settings).
  1. The following settings allow you to force the events to only occur during a certain phase: * first (default: 0) specifies the first time, in seconds, the event will occur. When zero, the first event will occur on cooldown / 2. * last (default: 0) specifies the last time, in seconds, the event may occur. It will not force the event to occur at this time, though. When lesser than or equal to zero, this setting will be ignored.
 #This example will make the raid spend 15s moving every 30s. It will only happen after two minutes.

 #This example will make the raid spend 15s moving every 30s. It will only happen during the first three minutes.
  1. Finally, you can use distance conditions (the distance in yards, extending from the boss) so that only ranged or melee characters are affected. Only the "<=" and ">=" operators can be used. See also the distance setting for characters.
 #This example will make the raid spend 15s moving every 30s, only players closer than 10m from the boss will be affected.

 #This example will make the raid spend 15s moving every 30s, only players further than 20m from the boss will be affected.


See also target_adds in the target properties section if you rather want to spawn adds who will live through the whole fight.

The adds keyword allows you to make adds periodically spawn. Default actions list may not include aoe actions but you can mention some of them, using conditions based on the number of targets, see ActionLists. The duration parameter will be the adds' lifespan.

  1. count (default: 1) is the only specific option, it specifies how many adds will spawn.
 #This will make a fury warrior rotation use "cleave" as soon as there is at least one add.

 #Spawning adds is currently disabled while we transition to true multi-target support.


The casting keyword allows you to make a raid event with two periodical consequences:

  1. The target will cast a spell your players must interrupt. There is no action condition relative to the target's casting but off-gcd interrupts do not need to be present in the actions list: they will be automatically used by the Simulationcraft.
  2. The players will be interrupted if they were casting at this time, to simulate the use of "/stopcasting" macros. Note that all players will be interrupted.

There is no specific option for this keyword.

 #This example will make the boss incant a spell for 2s every 6s.


The distraction keyword allows you to periodically lower your players' skill, simulating those times of a fight when your players are distracted and unable to focus on their dps rotation because they have to focus on their environment. See the skill command for more information.

Here are the specific options:

  1. skill (default: 0.2) is the skill loss suffered by the players.
 #This example will make your ranged players heavily distracted for 10s every 1min.


The invul and invulnerable keywords can be used to make the target periodically invulnerable, clearing all dots on it (debuffs will remain though, because of a bug). There is currently no way to use actions list to switch on another target but you can still use actions conditions to detect whether your target is currently invulnerable or not; see ActionLists.

There is no specific option for this keyword.

 #This example will make your target invulnerable for 10s every 1min.

Incoming damage

The damage keyword allows you to periodically make your raid suffer a uniformly distributed amount of damage. Note that simulated raid members can die from this damage.

Options are:

  1. amount (default: 1) is the average amount of damage suffered by every player on every occurrence of the event, before mitigation.
 #This example will make your players suffer 20k damages every 30s.
  1. amount_range (default: 0) is the range of damage into one direction.
  2. type (default: holy) is the type of damage.

Incoming heals

The heal keyword allows you to periodically heal your entire raid without going to the trouble of making healer profiles. This is useful to counteract the effects of the damage event.

Options are:

  1. amount (default: 1) is the average amount of healing to each player on every occurrence of the event.
 #This example will heal your players for 20k every 30s.
  1. amount_range (default: 0) is the range of of the heal amount, used to add some randomization.


The movement and moving keywords can be used to force your raid to move, forcing the players and their pets to interrupt their casts and making them unable to use their spells for the duration of the move. Some spells will still be usable, through, depending on your actions list

Here are the specific options:

  1. players_only (default: 0), when non-zero, won't force the pets to move.
  2. distance (default: 0) is the distance, in yards, the players have to run on (staring from their current location: all players, whether they are 5 yards or 30 yards away from the boss, will run on the same distance) . When different from zero, it will prevail on duration since the movement speed (taking into account possible speed bonuses) and distance will be used to evaluate the run duration. When equal to zero, this setting will be ignored.
  3. to (default: -2) is the player's distance to the boss after moving. Only a 0 or positive value is processed. -1 means a default distance based on the player's role. -2 or lower means the current distance (i.e. the player moves and then returns to her current position). Currently the distance change happens instantaneously at the end of the movement event; if you need to check distance while moving, divide the event into several.
 #This line, added to a warlock's actions list, will make him use life tap when moving.

 #This example will make your players move for 5s every 20s. Our warlock will still use life tap.

 #This example will make melee players run on 20 yards.


The stun keyword can be used to make your raid periodically stunned and unable to do anything.

There is no specific option for this keyword.

 #This example will make your players stunned for 10s every 1min.


The vulnerable keyword can be used to make the target periodically vulnerable, causing you to do twice more damages to the target. It is possible to change your actions list to keep your best cooldowns for those moments, see ActionLists.

There is no specific option for this keyword.

 #This example will make your target vulnerable for 20s every 80s.

 #This line will disable automatic bloodlust 

 #This line, when added to a shaman's action list, will make bloodlust cast on the first vulnerable moment.