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Hosting Nano yourself

Simon edited this page Oct 1, 2017 · 6 revisions

This is a guide on how to host Nano on your computer/server yourself.

1. Installing Python

First off, you must have Python 3.5+ installed.
If you don't have it, download it from the official Python website
Make sure that you install a utility named pip too (included in the setup).

2. Installing dependencies

Next, you must install some dependencies that Nano uses.

To install them, execute this inside the repository and in your console:

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Redis Database

Versions from 3.4+ require a database to manage server data: Redis.
First, you must download the binaries for your platform. If you're on Windows, look into releases here. If you're on Linux, simply visit the official download page here.
After you have downloaded the binaries, put them somewhere convenient. For your redis.conf file, you can use the template provided in the main directory (make sure to adapt the dir to the absolute dir where Nano's data folder is).
When everything is ready, you must do one last thing: in settings.ini, make sure that setup is set to manual and host, port and password to your preferred and correct values.
FYI: Before you start the bot, Redis must be running for Nano to work.

3. Configuring

There is some configuring needed for Nano to work.

First off, take a look at settings.ini. Inside, set the token to your bot application token. Also, set the ownerid to your Discord id.
Then, take a look at config.ini in plugins folder. If you want to use tf2 features, get an api key and insert it into -> apikey.
Do the same for Steam, osu! and (simply register and put username and password in the config). There are more settings, for which you need various api keys. Not filling certain credentials will disable the associated plugin.

4. Running

By now Nano should be pretty much set up. To start it, simply run startbot.bat or, depending on your platform.

Have fun ;)

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