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Commands (obsolete)

Simon edited this page May 19, 2017 · 1 revision

Commands have moved to Nano's webpage

Here is a list of all available commands:

(Applies to Nano version 3.4.4)

1. Basic

[] = mandatory, () = optional

Useful commands

!define/!wiki [word] - Gives you the definition of a word from Wikipedia
!urban [word] - Gives you the definition of a word from Urban Dictionary
!avatar [mention or name] - Gives you the avatar url of a mentioned person
!commands - Displays a link to the wiki page where all commands are listed
!invite/nano.invite - Gives you a link to invite Nano to another (your) server
!say (#channel) [message] - Says something (#channel is optional). This is useful for announcements :P

"Fun" commands

!8ball [question] - Answers your questions. 8ball style.
!meme [meme name]|[top text]|[bottom text] - Captions a meme with your text. Take a look at imgflip's meme list for convenience.
!cat - I love cats. And this is a gif of a cat.
!decide word1|word2|word3|... - Decides between different choices so you don't have to.
!dice - Rolls the dice
!roll [number] - Replies with a random number in range from 0 to your number
!hello [mention] - Welcomes a mentioned person, or if no mentions are present, you
!kappa - I couldn't resist it
!randomgif - Sends a random gif from Giphy
!quote - Brightens your day with a random quote
!rip [mention] - Rest in peperoni, man

Help commands

!help - General help
!notifydev [message] - Sends a message to the developer
!suggest [message] - Sends a message to the developer
!bug - Place where you can report bugs!nano - A little info about Nano
nano.prefix - Helps you figure out the current prefix


!tf [item name] - Gets item prices from (not great for items with unusual effects/sheens)


!mc [item name or id:meta] - Searches for items and displays their details


!osu [username/id] - Displays stats for that osu! user.


!steam [end of user url/id] - Searches for the specified steam id (same as !steam user)
!steam friends [end of user url/id] - Searches for all friends that the user has
!steam games [end of user url/id] - Searches for all owned games in user's account
!steam help - Displays help for all steam commands
!steam user [end of user url/id] - Searches for general info about the user


time examples: 1h 3min 25s, 2d 3min, 6h 2s, etc...
Please do not use plural keywords (such as mins, hrs, ...).

!remind - General things about the reminder system
!remind help - Displays help about reminders.
!remind here in [time] : [message] - Adds a reminder (reminds everybody in current channel)
!remind me in [time] : [message] - Adds a reminder (reminds you in dm)
!remind remove [timer description] - Removes a timer with supplied description or time (or all timers with 'all')
!remind list - Displays all ongoing timers.


!vote [1,2,3,...] - Votes for an option if there is voting going on
!vote end - Simply ends the current vote on the server
!vote start "question" choice1|choice2|... - Starts a vote on the server
!vote status - Shows info about the current voting


This module uses Open Movie Database.

!imdb - General info about the IMDb search module
!imdb help [command] - Displays available commands regarding IMDb.
!imdb plot [film/series/person name] - Displays more plot info about a film/series.
!imdb rating [film/series/person name] - Displays different ratings for the film/series
!imdb search [film/series/person name] - Searches for a film/series/person and displays general info
!imdb trailer [film/series/person name] - Gives you a link to the trailer of a film/series


!github - Link to Nano's source code on GitHub
!stats - Some stats like message count and stuff like that
!status - Displays current status: server, user and channel count
!debug - Displays EVEN MORE stats about Nano
!uptime - Tells you for how long I have been running
!members - Lists all members on the server
!ping - Just to check if I'm alive. fyi: I love ping-pong
!server - General server info

2. Moderator commands

There commands can only be accessed by moderators. A member is counted as an admin if: he/she has a role named "Nano Mod".

!ban/nano.ban [mention] - Bans a member
!unban/nano.unban [mention] - Unbans a member
!kick/nano.kick [mention] - Kicks a member
!softban [time] | @mention - Temporarily bans a member (for time formatting see reminders)

!mute [mention or name] - Mutes the user - deletes all future messages from the user until he/she is un-muted
!unmute [mention or name] - Un-mutes the user
!muted - Displays a list of all members currently muted

!nuke [number] - Nukes (deletes) last number or messages. Keep in mind that you can only nuke messages up to 2 weeks old

2. Admin commands

These commands can only be accessed by admins. A member is counted as an admin if: he/she has a role named "Nano Admin".

Custom commands

!cmd add command|response - Adds a command to the server
!cmd list - Returns a server-specific command list
!cmd remove [command] - Removes a command from the server
!cmd status [command] - Displays how many commands you have and how many more you can register

Server settings

Admins can put nano to "sleep" - the bot will not respond to any commands. The command is effective only on that server, of course.
nano.sleep - Puts Nano to sleep
nano.wake - Wakes Nano up

The following formatting applies to the commands below: :user -> user name, :server -> server name (in welcome message).

!banmsg [content] - Sets the message sent when a member is banned
!kickmsg [content] - Sets the message sent when a member is kicked
!leavemsg [content] - Sets the message sent when a member leaves the server
!welcomemsg [content] - Sets the message sent when a member joins the server

nano.serverreset - Resets all server settings to the default
nano.setup/!setup - Helps admins set up basic settings for the bot ('guided' setup)
nano.displaysettings - Displays all server settings
nano.changeprefix prefix - Changes the prefix on the server

Moderation settings
Sets server settings like word, spam, invite filtering and log channel

nano.settings logchannel [None/channel name] - sets the log channel (set to None to disable)
nano.settings spamfilter [True/False] - enables or disables the spam filter
nano.settings wordfilter [True/False] - enables or disables the swearing filter
nano.settings invitefilter [True/False] - enables or disables the invite filter

Blacklisting makes Nano not respond to commands in the channels you choose.

nano.blacklist add [channel name] - Adds a channel to command blacklist
nano.blacklist remove [channel name] - Removes a channel from command blacklist
nano.blacklist list - Lists current channels blacklists

Role management

!role add [role name] [mention] - Adds a role to the user
!role remove [role name] [mention] - Removes a role from the user
!role replaceall [role name] [mention] - Replace all roles with the specified one for a user

3. Bot-owner commands (if you run the bot yourself)

nano.kill - Shuts down the bot
nano.playing [status] - Changes 'playing' status
nano.reload - Reloads all settings from config file
nano.restart [command] - Restricted to owner, restarts down the bot

FYI: There are also some commands, but you're gonna have to check the code for them.