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Rich Wareham edited this page Sep 27, 2013 · 14 revisions


XXX is not in your SSH known_hosts file

This is because the version of SSH shipped with ROS cannot understand the ~/.ssh/known_hosts generated by the latest SSH. Assuming the's IP address is, firstly remove the existing entry:

$ ssh-keygen -f "/home/rjw57/.ssh/known_hosts" -R

Then log in again forcing the use of the RSA algorithm:

$ ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms='ssh-rsa'

See a related ROS forum answer.

error launching XXX: No file or directory

This and other similar errors are due to ROS being extremely picky about networking. The following must be true:

  • On your machine:
    • Your hostname must match the name other machines use on the network. I.e. if your machine is called student001 then typing ping student001 on the must reach your machine.
    • The ROS_HOSTNAME environment variable must be set to that hostname.
    • The ROS_MASTER_URI environment variable must be set to, in this case, http://student001:11311. Replace student001 as appropriate.
    • The command ssh qbo@binky must log you into the without a password. Use the ssh-copy-id program.
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