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Mabs 2.28

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@shelkmike shelkmike released this 11 Mar 10:44
· 6 commits to master since this release
  1. Fixed a bug that was causing Mabs-flye to ignore results of the last point (the tenth point if using "--maximum_number_of_points_to_try 10"). That bug was introduced in Mabs 2.24. The bug might make some assemblies slightly worse than they could have been.
  2. Since Mabs 2.24, Mabs-flye determines the option with which it gives reads to Flye, based on the median read accuracy. After a series of experiments, I decided to change the scheme that was used in Mabs 2.24. Now the Flye option depends on the median read accuracy as follows:
    (0%; 95%] - "--nano-raw"
    (95%; 99.8%] - "--nano-hq"
    (99.8%; 100%] - "--pacbio-hifi"