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@github-actions github-actions released this 18 Mar 13:20


Breaking Changes

  • The annotation class now exposes BoundingBox objects instead of tuples. #646


  • Added groups and graphs property to skeleton.Group to access immediate child groups/graphs. #645
  • The BoundingBox class now supports the following additional properties: id, name, is_visible and color. #646
  • Added support for Zarr arrays in the Dataset classes. Users can set the data_format of layers to zarr to use Zarr for storing data. #627
    The current implementation has some limitations, e.g.:
    • Only one type of compression (Blosc+Zstd) is implemented.
    • Sharding is not available in Zarr, yet. Please use chunks_per_shard = (1, 1, 1).
    • Only local filesystem-based arrays are supported.
      There are changes to the datasource-properties.json for Zarr layers compared to WKW layers:
    • dataFormat needs to be changed to zarr.
    • The list of mags is called mags, instead of wkwResolutions.
    • Each mag is represented by an object with a single attribute mag, e.g. { "mag": [1, 1, 1] }.


  • Dataset: block_len and file_len attributes are now deprecated, but still available for backwards compatibility. Use chunk_size and chunks_per_shard instead. These new attributes are Vec3Int, so they can be set non-uniformly. However, WKW-backed layers still require uniform chunk_size and chunks_per_shard. #627


  • Fixed crash during downsampling and compression of segmentation layers. #657



  • Added logging to file in ./logs directory. #641