While it says ori_pqal.json in the data folder, it is actually the cleaned version of the file. It's just given that name to be compatible with other code
To change which model is use, please make sure to change the --model_name
and --dte_lookup_table_fp
All of the various KGE parms should be able to be used together.
Note: the --gpus
expects consecutive GPU ID's that always start with 0. These ID's are considered wrt the
visible devices, as defined by a export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=...
command. Even if you want to use, say, GPU 0 and
1, I believe it is preferred to explicitly do export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1
. So, to use GPUs not starting w/ the
0 ID, such as GPUs 2 and 3, use the command export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,3
and run_modeling.py
arg of
gpus 0 1
. An example in a .sh
script is given below.
python run_modeling.py --gpus 0 1
Note: to have the script run in the background and output to a file, use a bash
script akin to the below:
nohup python run_modeling.py --gpus 0 1 > "run_model.out" &
The output will be written to the file whenever the pipe is full (I think? lol). A convenient way to frequently check
the file is watch -n 5 "cat run_model.out | tail -n 30"
Note: If you are training 2+ models at the same time, make sure that no two training scripts are given the same
arg (doesn't apply to baseline models).
python covid_qa_baseline.py --model_name "phiyodr/bert-base-finetuned-squad2" \
--dte_lookup_table_fp "DTE_to_phiyodr_bert-base-finetuned-squad2.pkl" \
--max_len 384 \
--n_stride 196
python run_modeling.py --batch_size 40 \
--model_name "phiyodr/bert-base-finetuned-squad2" \
--dte_lookup_table_fp "DTE_to_phiyodr_bert-base-finetuned-squad2.pkl" \
--lr 3e-5 \
--n_epochs 2 \
--max_len 384 \
--n_stride 196 \
--warmup_proportion 0.1 \
--n_neg_records 2 \
--gpus 0 1 \
--seed 16 \
--port 42069
python run_modeling.py --batch_size 40 \
--model_name "phiyodr/bert-base-finetuned-squad2" \
--dte_lookup_table_fp "DTE_to_phiyodr_bert-base-finetuned-squad2.pkl" \
--lr 3e-5 \
--n_epochs 3 \
--max_len 384 \
--n_stride 196 \
--warmup_proportion 0.1 \
--use_kge T \
--n_neg_records 3 \
--gpus 0 1 \
--seed 16 \
--port 42069
python run_modeling.py --batch_size 40 \
--model_name "phiyodr/bert-base-finetuned-squad2" \
--dte_lookup_table_fp "DTE_to_phiyodr_bert-base-finetuned-squad2.pkl" \
--lr 3e-5 \
--n_epochs 2 \
--max_len 384 \
--n_stride 196 \
--warmup_proportion 0.1 \
--use_kge T \
--random_kge T \
--n_neg_records 2 \
--gpus 0 1 \
--seed 16 \
--port 42069
python run_modeling.py --batch_size 40 \
--model_name "phiyodr/bert-base-finetuned-squad2" \
--dte_lookup_table_fp "DTE_to_phiyodr_bert-base-finetuned-squad2.pkl" \
--lr 3e-5 \
--n_epochs 3 \
--max_len 384 \
--n_stride 196 \
--warmup_proportion 0.1 \
--use_kge T \
--concat_kge T \
--n_neg_records 5 \
--gpus 0 1 \
--seed 16 \
--port 42069