[IRS] IRS knobs functional
[IRS] IRS alignment
[IRS] IRS alignment affects PFD and ND realistically
[EICAS] Added fully functional DRS synoptic page
[EICAS] Added fully functional FCTL synoptic page
[EICAS] Added fully functional ELEC synoptic page
[EICAS] Added semi-functional STAT synoptic page
[PFD] Adjusted PFD colors to more closely match real life
[ND] Wind and TAS no longer display under 100kts
[FMC] Added "Salty Options" page (Should be moved to EFB in the future)
[FMC] Added IRS instant align option
[FMC] VSpeeds are now correctly calculated
[FMC] VSpeeds now reset appropriately
[FMA] FMA HOLD mode now properly displays when TOGA is pressed
[FMA] FMA no longer displays anything when A/T and FD are off
[FUEL] Improved fuel consumption rate
[FUEL] Changed fuel tank priority to more closely match the real aircraft
[AIRCOND] Aircond knobs funtional
[LIGHTS] Fixed taxi light bleeding into cockpit and remaining lit after gear is up
[FLIGHT MODEL] Adjusted Wingflex
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