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Zdeněk Materna edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 3 revisions

Object Type

Plugin into the system that represents and provides integration with a particular type of real-world object, e.g. a certain type of robot, or a virtual object such as cloud API. It is written in Python and can benefit from (multiple) inheritance, in order to extend or share functionality. It might be associated with a model (primitive, mesh, or URDF for robots). A set of built-in base classes is available, representing e.g. a generic robot or a camera and its required API. Object Type methods (with special annotation) become Actions, that can be added to Action Points.

Action Object

An instance of an Object Type within the workplace, defined by its unique ID (UID), human-readable name, pose (optionally), and parameters (e.g. API URI, serial port, etc.).


A set of Action Objects, represents a workplace, its objects, and spatial relations. In other words, the scene defines the layout of the workspace.

Action Point

A spatially anchored container for orientations, robot joints configurations, and actions. The container’s position together with an orientation comprises a pose usable e.g. as a parameter for robot action.


A method of an Object Type exposed to the AR environment. A named and parameterized action is called an action instance. Actions may be implemented on different levels of complexity, according to the application needs and the target end-users competencies. However, in order to lower program complexity and to reduce training time, the actions should be preferably high-level and provide configurable skill- like functionality.


A set of Action Points, may contain logic definition (program flow). The project is associated with a scene.

With Logic

A project that has a has_logic flag set, contains actions and logic (defining order of actions and conditions).

Without Logic

A project where has_logic==False, defines only Action Points, and the logic is written manually and uploaded to the Project Service as Project Sources.

Execution Package

A self-contained executable snapshot of a Project, which is created when there is a need to test the whole task or release a project into a production environment. The fact that the package is self-contained allows users to make further changes in the scene or project without any influence on already existing packages.

Main Script

Contains a logic of the project, which may be defined visually or could be written manually with the help of a set of generated classes providing access to project data as e.g. defined Action Points.

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