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1. Introduction

Zetra edited this page Dec 22, 2017 · 1 revision

With Qiscus chat SDK (Software Development Kit), You can embed chat feature inside your application quickly and easily without dealing with complexity of real-time comunication infrastucture. We provide Chat UI that has been designed and optimized for easy customization. So, you can modify the UI to show off your branding identity, favorite color, or customize event.

A Brief About Chat

Talking about chat app, you may figure out such messenger app like Whatsapp. You might have familiar with the flow, how to start conversation, and do things, like sharing image, inside chat room. If you want to create chat app, for customer service, for instance, Qiscus Chat SDK enable you to establish chat UI and functionalities easily. But before dive into it, there are essential basic knowledges you need to know about chat app.

Basic Flow of Chat App

In a chat app, to start a conversation, we usually choose person we want to chat with, from a contact list. Then, we start conversation inside a chat room. In a chat room, we can do things such as sharing images, sending emoji, sharing contact, location, and many more. We can even know when a person is typing or when our message has been read. If chatting is done, we can go back to the conversation list which display our conversations in the app. To make a chat app with the described flow, we noticed that the most complex part is creating chat room, which posses many features inside it. Hence, Qiscus Chat SDK provide an easy way to create chat app without dealing with complexity of real-time comunication infrastucture that resides inside a chat room.

Qiscus Chat SDK and UI Components

In spite of real-time chat, Qiscus Chat SDK provides UI that can be customized according to your needs. But please keep in mind that, by default, Qiscus provides UI for chat room only. If you need to create contact list and conversation list UI, for example, you need to create it your own. However, we provide essential data that you can get and utilize for your app.

Qiscus Chat SDK Features

When you try our chat SDK, you will find the default built-in features such as:

  • Private & group chat
  • Typing indicator
  • Delivery indicator
  • Image and file attachment
  • Online presence
  • Read receipt
  • Reply message
  • Pending messages
  • Emoji support

You also can access more advance and customizable features such as :

  • Server side integration with Server API and Webhook
  • Customize your user interface
  • Embed bot engine in your app
  • Enable Push notification
  • Export and import messages from you app

Try Sample App

To meet your expectations, we suggest you try out our sample app. The sample app is built with full functionalities so that you can figure out the flow and main activities of common chat apps. We provide you with two options to start with the sample app:

  1. Try Sample App only or
  2. Try Sample App with Sample Dashboard

Try Sample App Only

If you simply want to try the android sample app, you can direct to our github repository to clone our sample app. You can explore features of Qiscus Chat SDK.

If you want your sample app running with your own APP ID, you can change it inside Please be noted that when you connect your app with your APP ID, you may not see your contact list in your app before changing Sample Dashboard URL to your own URL.

public class Configuration {
    public static String BASE_URL = "";
    public static String QISCUS_APP_ID = "sampleapp-65ghcsaysse";

Try Sample App With Sample Dashboard

If you have your own chat app, you may be wondering how you can manage your users. In this case, we provide a sample dashboard for user management. This sample dashboard can help you to figure out how to work with Qiscus Server Api for more advanced functionalities. You can go to to know more about Server API.

Note: We assume that you already downloaded the sample app. The sample app will be needed to work together with the sample dashboard.

You can explore the sample dashboard to try it online, or you also can download the source code to deploy it locally or to your own server.

To start trying the sample dashboard on your end, you should carry out the following steps: Clone sample dashboard in our github (, or just copy the following code.

git clone
cd dashboard-sample

Before running the sample app on your local, first, you need to install composer.

composer install
php -S localhost:8000

The sample dashboard provided Client API to enable your sample app get list of users. This API is based on PHP and used Composer as its dependency manager. Thus, you need to have PHP and composer installed to use the API.

Now you would have successfully run the sample dashboard. However, do note that the sample app is running using our App ID. If you want the sample dashboard to be connected to your app with your own App ID, you need to change it inside .env file. You can find your own App ID and Secret Key in your own Qiscus SDK dashboard.

If you are wondering how our sample app with dashboard worked, here some ilustration :

There are 2 Server API that are used inside Qiscus Sample Dashboard:

  1. to get list of users from Qiscus SDK database, and
  2. to enable user login or register via Sample Dashboard.

The Sample Dashboard called these APIs inside main.js file. To use these APIs, you need to pass your APP ID and set method and request parameter.

To pass the APP ID, If you login to Sample Dashboard with your own APP ID and Secret Key, the APP ID and Secret Key has been saved, so that you need nothing to setup APP ID inside main.js.

To set method and request parameter, you can refer to Get User List and Login and Register on Qiscus Server API Documentation.

The Sample Dashboard also provided API for client app to get list of users from the Sample Dasboard. To enable your client app to get list of users, you need to set your APP ID and Secret Key inside .env file. Then, you need to pass your domain name when calling the API.

Example: //

You will get the response as follow:

            "email":"[email protected]",