This repository describe the code of a neural activity transmission device embedded on a rodent. The purpose of this system is to log the the electrical activity of a rat's neurones onto a computer.
THis repository contain the code files necessary program the interfacing board between the embedded system on the rodent and a PC/Oscilloscope (see above)
*. Omnetics adapter *. Transmit 4 channels of 16 bits at 20 kHz *. Or 8 channels compressed (16 bits after decompression) at 20 kHz *. Consume 18 mA at 3.7 V at full transmission load *. Weight 7 grams *. Volume : 2cm *2cm * 2cm
*. USB audio protocol interface to display and log on PC *. 8 channels DAC to connect to an acquisition card *. USB as power supply
On this version, we use the an ST Microelectronic Development board discovery F4 with a Microcontroler STM32f411VET6 to interface the Nordic Semiconductor Nrf24l01+ RF transceiver, the Digital to analog converter DAC8568ICPW and the USB audio protocol.
Eagle files and manual in the repertory Embedded system