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23 repositories
- Contains data and code for Brusa et al. 2024. Correcting for measurement errors in a long-term aerial survey with auxiliary photographic data. Ecosphere DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4961.
PublicSipe H, IN Keren, and SJ Converse. 2023. Integrating community science and agency-collected monitoring data to expand monitoring capacity at large spatial scales. Ecology and Evolution.Sorel_etal_mgmt_modeling
PublicSorel MH, JC Jorgensen, RW Zabel, MD Scheuerell, AR Murdoch, CM Kamphaus, SJ Converse. 2023. Incorporating life history diversity in an integrated population model to inform viability analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.- Warlick AJ, GK Himes Boor, TL McGuire, KEW Shelden, EK Jacobson, C Boyd, PR Wade, AE Punt, SJ Converse. 2023. Demographic and environmental drivers of population dynamics and viability in an endangered top predator using an integrated model. Animal Conservation.
- Sorel MH, AR Murdoch, RW Zabel, CM Kamphaus, ER Buhle, MD Scheuerell, and SJ Converse. 2023. Effects of population density and environmental conditions on life-history prevalence in a migratory fish. Ecology and Evolution.
- Todd Zaragoza MI, AJ DuVall, JA Howard, DM Mazurkiewicz, and SJ Converse. 2023. Laying sequence and oceanographic factors affect egg size in Scripps's Murrelets (Synthliboramphus scrippsi) at Santa Barbara Island. Marine Ornithology 51:1-9.
- Warlick AJ, DS Johnson, TS Gelatt, and SJ Converse. 2022. Environmental drivers of demography and potential factors limiting the recovery of an endangered marine top predator. Ecosphere 2022: e4325.
- Sorel MH, AR Murdoch, RW Zabel, JC Jorgensen, CM Kamphaus, and SJ Converse. Juvenile life history diversity is associated with lifetime individual heterogeneity in a migratory fish. Ecosphere 14:e4366.
- Amburgey SM, AA Yackel Adams, B Gardner, B Lardner, AJ Knox, and SJ Converse. 2021. Tools for increasing visual encounter probabilities for invasive species removal: a case study of brown treesnakes. Neobiota 70:107-122.
- Sorel MH, RW Zabel, DS Johnson, AM Wargo Rub, and SJ Converse. 2021. Estimating population-specific predation effects on Chinook salmon via data integration. Journal of Applied Ecology 58:372-381.
- Doll CF, SJ Converse, CB Edwards, and CB Schultz. 2022. Using structured decision making to guide habitat restoration for butterflies: a case study of Oregon silverspots. Journal of Insect Conservation 26:219-230.
- Edwards HA, SJ Converse, KD Swan, and A Moehrenschlager. 2022. Trading off hatching success and cost in the captive breeding of Whooping Cranes. Animal Conservation 25:101-109.
- Hostetter NJ, NJ Lunn, ES Richardson, EV Regehr, and SJ Converse. Age-structured Jolly-Seber model expands inference and improves parameter estimation from capture-recapture data. PLOS One 16:e0252748
- Barzen JA, SJ Converse, PH Adler, A Lacy, E Gray, and A Gossens. 2018. Examination of multiple working hypotheses to address reproductive failure in reintroduced Whooping Cranes. The Condor 120:632-649
- Lloyd, N. A., N. J. Hostetter, C. L. Jackson, S. J. Converse, and A. Moehrenschlager. 2019. Optimizing release strategies: a stepping-stone approach to reintroduction. Animal Conservation 22:105–115.
- Regehr, E. V., N. J. Hostetter, R. R. Wilson, K. D. Rode, M. S. Martin, and S. J. Converse. 2018. Integrated Population Modeling Provides the First Empirical Estimates of Vital Rates and Abundance for Polar Bears in the Chukchi Sea. Scientific Reports 8:16780.