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neta-r edited this page Dec 19, 2020 · 5 revisions


This class implements the arena of the game where the specific graph is saved, and the current pokemons and agents status is being saved and worked on, it represents a multi agents arena which moves on a graph and tries to catch the pokemons.

Data Structor & Fields:

  • directed weighted graph which represents the graph which is used in the arena.
  • agents a list of agents which represents the agents in the game.
  • pokemons a list of pokemons which represents the current pokemons in the game.
  • info a list of Strings which contains information about each agents , and the time left for the game.
  • time which represents the time left for the game.


  • normal constructor which initilizes the info and time , pokemons,agents and graph are being added later in the game.
  • updateAgents which reads agents from a Jsonfile and creates,or updates all the agents in the game and returns a list of agents which represents the game's agents current status.
  • json2Pokemons function which reads the status and number of pokemons from the server in the format of Json and turns it into actual objects of pokemons , the function returns a list of pokemons which represents the current status of all the current pokemons in the game , the function only reads the pokemon and does not actually put it in the graph.
  • update edge a function which is used after json2Pokemon which updates each pokemon's edge based on their geolocation in the game and puts each pokemon on the graph.
  • w2f fuction to turn the graph's "world" (by Geolocation and such) to actual visualisation that can be read in the GUI.
  • Getters and setters of agents , pokemons , info , time.


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