- confirm if there is a SampleRobot.urdf in
source `rospack find hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials`/setup.sh; roslaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials gazebo_samplerobot_no_controllers.launch
rtmlaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup.launch
roscd hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/euslisp; roseus samplerobot-interface.l "(samplerobot-init)" "(objects (list *sr*))" "(send *ri* :angle-vector (send *sr* :angle-vector) 5000)"
Do not forget to type pkill gzserver
in addition to Ctrl-c in order to kill gazebo.
roslaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials gazebo_jaxon_without_multisense_no_controllers.launch
rtmlaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials jaxon_hrpsys_bringup.launch
roslaunch jsk_footstep_controller hrp2jsk_footcoords.launch
roslaunch drc_task_common operator_station_main_jaxon.launch
roslaunch drc_task_common field_computer_main.launch USE_LOCALHOST:=true
Do not forget to type pkill gzserver
in addition to Ctrl-c in order to kill gazebo.
Force sensor value is not valid.
Fix the base link of the robot in the reference position of hrpsys.
as true in xxx_hrpsys_bringup.launch
rtmlaunch hrpsys_gazebo_general samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup.launch KINEMATICS_MODE:=true
Kinect is spawned to gazebo and movable with interactive marker in rviz.
roslaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials gazebo_kinect_interactive.launch
Kinect and cube are spawned to gazebo and movable with interactive marker in rviz.
roslaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials gazebo_kinect_cube_interactive.launc
LIP (Linear Inverted Pendulum) is the simple dynamic model of humanoid robot.
roslaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials gazebo_lip.launch